firefox,html5-audio,mediaelement.js,shoutcastRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
Peter O.
javascript html firefox button hyperlink
I have two links inside a button but the links don’t seem to work on Firefox.<button class=”btn login”><a href=”/login”><b>Log In</b></a> | <a href=”/signup”><b>Sign Up</b></a> </button>I tried JavaScript onclick and redirecting – even that is not working.
Wladimir Palant
javascript firefox firefox-addon xul
I’m using a firefox addon Keysnail. Keysnail adds a prompt (xul:textbox) on the bottom, and I want to know if the focus is on this prompt or not.Did a research and found a way using document.activeElement, but its not working. document.activeElement is returning HTMLInputObject when the focus is on the prompt while getting the textbox by document.getElementByID returns a XULElement.
javascript regex firefox
In Internet Explorer 10, this:’abcdefghi’.match(/.?e.?/)evaluates to [‘def’], as I’d expect, but in Firefox 21.0, it evaluates to [‘abcdefghi’]. (See this jsFiddle.) I get the same sort of unexpected behavior for certain other regexes that both begin and end with optional content, such as /.?e.{0,2}/ and /.{0,2}e.{0,2}/; however, commenters point out various similar regexes, such as /\S?e\S?/ and /(?:.?e.?)/, that are not affected. The same applies to the replace method.Am I missing something ob
html css firefox wordpress
A site I constructed on wordpress,, does seem to be working well on Firefox web browser. I was wondering if any one could help me work out why that is (maybe using firebug). The stylesheet is a file called style.css and the reset stylesheet is reset.css. It looks normal in any other web browser.Thanks in advance.
Devesh Agrawal
jquery html internet-explorer google-chrome firefox
I have some code here. That is working fine in Chrome, but not in IE and Firefox.$(document).ready(function(){$(“.thumb”).click(function(){alert (“Reached here.”);var cat_id = $(this).attr(‘id’); // get category idalert (cat_id);}); });<a href=”#” class=”thumb” id = “20” name=”df” ><img src=”images/dry_fruits.png” alt=”Title #0″ width=”75″ height=”75″/> </a>Its even not hitting the alert in Firefox and IE. Can someone please help me to identify the issue. Any help will be highl
Bryan Casler
html css firefox google-chrome
I’m developing a site and I have been working in Chrome, IE and on my Android phone. I decided to test the site in firefox and the whole thing falls apart. It appears to me as if all the CSS is not loading, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why it wouldn’t be.Live Site: my source code I have something like the following…<style type=”text/css” media=”all”>@import url(….); @import url(….); </style> <style type=”text/css” media
Lukas Salkauskas
jquery firefox animation cross-browser
I’m trying to do a simple animation on div items, everything works fine on Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox 4, but on Firefox 3 everything goes in unexpected way (div positions messes around and etc ). Maybe you know how to solve this issue and make it smooth?Here is an example:
firefox css3 linear-gradients
I recently tried applying a gradient background to a webpage using only CSS3. while testing out the following code:body {background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, blue, white);}The result was:Not exactly what I was looking for… Any idea what is going on? OS is Win7 64bit and Firefox 4. Thanks!
firefox selenium-ide
On Firefox 21, S-IDE worked fine. Just upgraded to the officially released FF22, and any test I try to run errors out:[error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium-core/scripts/htmlutils.js, lineNumber -> 309, columnNumber -> 8Is there a workaround for this?
css firefox css-float
I have the page with the structure:<div id=”container”><div id=”header”>top menu</div><div id=”content”>content</div><div id =”footer” align=”center”><div class=”left”>left part of footer menu</div><div class=”right”>right part of footer menu</div> </div> </div> Css style:#container {position:relative;height:auto !important;height:100%;min-height:100%; }#content { padding:0em 0em 12em; }#footer {position:absolute;width:100%
javascript jquery html html5-audio
I would like to know how to mute all audio within a specific div class. This is mainly to mute ads playing unexpected videos or commercials on my site. I have the all of the ads under the div class “muted” so I would like to mute those divs but still allow for youtube videos (obviously outside the divs) to play the audio. Any help is appreciated.. Thanks
Angelo Lupo
php mongodb audio-streaming html5-audio
I wrote a little audio streamer based on mongo and php with a player in HTML5. Every time I play something audio suddenly stops. I’m using php 5.3.3-1 as server on xubuntu 13.04 and MongoDB, everything is streamed locally. The code is on github at this address: link<?phprequire(“core/core.php”);$id = $_GET[‘id’]; $x = Track::object($id);header(“Content-Type: {$x->mime}”); header(“Content-Description: File Transfer”); header(“Content-lenght: {$x->size}”); if ( !empty($_GET[‘download’]) )
css audio html5 html5-audio
I’m building a music player web application which implements the HTML5 audio tag, however would like it to look consistent across browsers – is it possible to define my own custom CSS? And how?cheersFela
javascript google-chrome audio html5-audio web-audio
We are making an web based music editor and mixer based on the Web Audio api. Users can mix together multiple tracks, crop tracks, etc. The actual mixing together of the tracks just involves playing back all the sources at once. We want to be able to add the option to save the mix and make it available for download to a user’s computer. Is there some way to do this on the front end (like connecting all the sources to one destination/export node), or even the backend (we are using RoR)?
javascript jquery memory-leaks html5-audio
I wrote a bit of JavaScript with jQuery that loads a sound file with the HTML 5 <audio> tag and on a mouse click starts playing a new instance of that sound file (so that it can be played multiple times in parallel/overlay).HTML:<audio id=”audiotemplate” src=”audio/myfile.ogg”></audio> {$(‘#audiotemplate’).clone()[0].play(); });This works as intended, but creates a memory leak that causes FF to eat up the system RAM and Chromium to show its “
javascript html5 html5-audio web-audio
I was planning on using wavesurfer.js in a project of mine so I checked out the demo on http://wavesurfer.fmI dropped a large mp3 file (around 2 hours) onto the middle of the page that asks for a file. It seems to want to load it but after a while Chrome comes up with an error. It doesnt crash, just the tab fails.With smaller files, single songs, it seems to work ok.So there seems to be either some limitations with html5 web audio or the websurfer.js library but im not sure. Does anyone have any
Moshe S
html5 firefox cross-browser opera html5-audio
I have an html5 audio tag in my webpage:<div id=”audioContainer”> <audio id=”siteAudio” src=”″ type=”audio/flac” preloading=”auto” audio=”true”></audio> </div>I would like to be able to play the sound from a different starting point every time the user presses a different button on my site. Creating sound fx for clicks. I’m using the following JS code to do this:var m_currentAudioElement = document.getElementById(‘siteAudio’);m_curr
Karen Peng
html5 google-chrome audio html5-audio web-audio
I have a button. Every time it is clicked, a music is played. When it’s clicked the second time, the music resumes. I also want to visualize the music.So i begin with html5 audio (complete code in$(“#1”).click(function(){audio1.src = ‘1.mp3’;audio1.controls = true;audio1.autoplay = true;audio1.loop = true;source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio1);source.connect(analyser);analyser.connect(context.destination);});But when it’s clicked more than once,
javascript media-player html5-audio font-awesome
I am trying to develop a very minimal audio player with just a play/pause button and a mute/unmute button.I want to use Font-Awesome to display icons for play/pause and mute/unmute.I have created a fiddle where I have put my code. am getting an error “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier”The console is identifying the syntax in the innerHTML as incorrect.btnPlayPause.addEventListener(“click”, function() {if (myAudio.paused) {;btnPlayPause.innerHTM
javascript html5 buffer decode html5-audio
I want to play audio data from an ArrayBuffer… so I generate my array and fill it with microfone input. If I draw this data on a canvas it looks like –> So this works!But if i want to listen to this data withcontext.decodeAudioData(myArrayBuffer, function(bufferN) {var out = context.createBufferSource();out.buffer = bufferN;out.connect(context.destination);out.noteOn(0); }, errorFunction);I dont hear anything… because the errorFunction is called. But error is null!I also tryed to get the b
jquery twitter-bootstrap mediaelement.js
Using mediaelement.js along with bootstrap.js I ran into an issue with Chrome consistently crashing.After removing the bootstrap components one by one the issue was from the dropdown component. Going a bit further, commenting out the following lines resolved the issue with Chrome crashing.Line 794: .on(‘.dropdown-menu’, function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }) Line 795: .on(‘’ , toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)However, these two lines/events are necessary for the dro
Wemerson Guimaraes
flv mediaelement.js flvplayback flvplayer
I have a great echosystem with .FLV files, and need to play it, but my player does not works.<script src=”mediaelement/build/mediaelement-and-player.min.js”></script> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”mediaelement/build/mediaelementplayer.min.css” /><video width=”640″ height=”480″ id=”player2″ poster=”myposters/flv-video-poster.jpg” controls=”controls” preload=”none”><object width=”640″ height=”480″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”mediaelement/build/flashmediaele
Tobias Kienzler
When I try to use the plugin in firefox 20.0 I receive console errors:HTTP “Content-Type” of “audio/mpeg” is not supported. Load of media resource 01._fly.mp3 failed.Afterwards, when I call setcurrenttime() or some other method I get:uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.In Chrome everything works fine. Anyone can tell me how to solve this issue?Here is a code sample:<audio id=”player” style=”margin-top: 50px; “type=”audio/mp3″ src=”‘+song+'”> </
A couple quick questions:is the success event a “normalized” event for both native and flash/silverlight shims? The documented examples suggest it is only for when Flash/Silverlight objects are ready. (success doesn’t seem to fire on Android when Flash Player is installed and is either always active or on demand)setMuted doesn’t seem to work for Flash, if I add it to the success event it doesn’t work, and it seems to cause any other code in the success function to fail silently. I also tried to
jquery mediaelement.js
I’m having some conflicts within some code I just picked up to work with. It has the library AJS js loaded up and it is being used and I am trying to load up and use jQuery along with the mediaelement html5 video player. I can load everything together and use jQuery and use $ as long as I $.noConflict() before my document ready. However when I try to use the mediaelement resource and actually create my video player I am getting this error. I am initalizing the mediaelement player like so :vide
jquery mediaelement.js
Good morning, I try work with mediaelementjs video player. My html:<video id=”player” width=”758px” height=”400px” controls=”controls” autoplay preload=”auto”><source type=”video/flv” src=”media/demo.flv” /> </video>Javascript: var player = new MediaElementPlayer(“#player”,{success: function (mediaElement, domObject) {// call the play;}});I obtain this error:Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLEmbedElement> has no method ‘pauseMedia’ mejs.PluginMed
javascript mediaelement.js
I’m getting the following errors in different browsers. It seems to concern all the same problem of missing ‘loaded’ or ‘width’ object on line 1663 of mediaelement-and-player.js:// update loaded bar t.loaded.width( * percent);(mediaelement.js Version 2.1.5)It always occurs twice, once on the page loaded and once at the end of the played video.IE9:SCRIPT5007: Unable to get valueof the property ‘width’: object isnull or undefined mediaelement-and-player.js, line 1663character 4FF4.0
mediaelement.js playlist playlists
I tried to search the example of audio playlist in mediaelement.js. But i found none, is mediaelement.js supports audio playlist? If so, please kindly support me the sample code or links. Thank you very much.
I have a problem in my implemantation of mediaelementjs. I need to have a list of links with which to change the video source. The problem is that the second time I click hover the link, every time I click on the play button the debbugger say me “this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function”. This happen in Firefox with flash fallback. This is my code to change video:<script type=”text/javascript”> var player = null; var videoCounter = 0; var videoSubsLang = ‘es’;function loadVideo(videoSou
javascript jquery html5 internet-explorer-8 mediaelement.js
I’ve looked through all the other questions posed here, and nothing has really solved my problem.At present the video will load and play in Chrome, Safari, FF, and IE9, but NOT IE8 which is the last browser I need to support. You can view the page here.I have been trying to use the Debug option, but not getting any help from that either. Here is what the debugger is telling me:Initializing… stage: 0x560 file: path/to/video.mp4 autoplay:true preload:true isvideo:true smoothing:false timerrate
android stream media-player shoutcast
Hi all and thanks in advance,I have been all day looking forums and on internet and i’m not getting any clear about this. I am not sure if it possible in a direct and simple way. I read all time that since 2.2 it is supported natively but i don’t see and example where it works easilyFirst, i make some test with some .mp3 on a web and this code worked fine:mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(localContext, Uri.parse(SomeURL.mp3)); mp.prepare(); mp.start() but now….i have to reproduce
android audio stream media-player shoutcast
I’m writing an android app for play shoutcast stream for a publisher that implements web radio.On API level 8 (android 2.2) MediaPlayer class can play stream, so:Uri myUri = ….; // initialize Uri here MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(getApplicationContext(), myUri); mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.start();In real app i’m using prepareasync() so UI is responsive for a ProgressDialog.But for this
Fat Finger
shell command run listeners shoutcast
I have a problem with a small number of corrupt MP3s crashing Ices on a Shoutcast stream. And I’m looking for a way to check the number of listeners connected to a stream and execute a command on the shell if it’s below a value which might indicate that it (Ices) may have crashed.
javascript shoutcast albumart
I have a small 70×70 box in an HTML player I built where I wish to place in the album artwork to coincide with my now playing information from my shoutcast server. Is there a way, using the artist-song information the shoutcast server provides, that I can search a web service (amazon/ and have it place the (most likely) album cover there?Here is the JS code I’m using now:jQuery(document).ready(function() {pollstation();//refresh the data every 30 secondssetInterval(pollstation, 30000); }
firefox html5-audio mediaelement.js shoutcast
The shoutcast stream not working using mediaelement js audio player on latest firefox 21. Its working on other browsers like Chrome and IE.You check the link below. It was working earlier with older Firefox.Test link
android streaming audio-streaming http-live-streaming shoutcast
Okay, So I’m working with a SHOUTCast stream for the first time, and I’ve been told that Android has changed the way it works with audio post-ICSSo, I tried some code that worked very well on 2.3 and 2.2, but when I tried running it on 4.2.2 it didn’t play,Here’s my MainActivity.javapackage com.mooo.ajbiz11.ponyfeather;import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import
android http-live-streaming shoutcast
I am doing shoutcast streaming in my app. The app was playing the link on android emulator 2.2 but the same was not playing in device. Why? I am using galaxy tab 2.2. Any settings required to be done? Help is appreciated. Is there any special permission required in manifest?public class radiog extends Activity implementsMediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener, MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener,MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener, MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener { private String TAG = getClass().getSim
android audio mp3 mediaplayer shoutcast
I’m trying to create an audio streamer with Android’s MediaPlayer. It’s just fine if it doesn’t work with Android 2.1 or bellow. I need to be able to play the audio from a SHOUTcast stream. Here’s my code:player = new MediaPlayer(); try { player.setDataSource(“”); player.prepareAsync(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();
Yaqub Ahmad
android mediaplayer uri audio-streaming shoutcast
Please see the code i am using for streaming shoutcast stream, it works with one URL but NOT with the other one.This one works:Uri myUri = Uri.parse(“”);But not with this one:Uri myUri = Uri.parse(“http://someOtherURL”);SimpleMusicStream.javaimport; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button;public
Web site is in building