enthoughtRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
Holger Just
enthought canopy
When I try and run canopy it brings up an error messageUnexpected error ParseError:Invalid line at line “1”.I need to know how this can be fixed. I have already tried many different ways of uninstalling it and re-installing it, nothing seems to work.
python windows enthought parse-error canopy
How can I fix this. Python is currently unaccessible for me because of this error. Everytime that I click on my python icon to begin programming, the error message pops up, and it will not allow me to run the program.
python enthought chaco traitsui
Using the minimal example below, the line plot of a large (some 110k points) plot I get (with python 2.7, numpy 1.5.1, chaco/enable/traits 4.3.0) is this:However, that is bizarre, because it is a line plot, and there shouldn’t be any filled areas in there? Especially since the data is sawtooth-ish signal? It’s as if there is a line at y~=37XX, above which there is color filling?! But sure enough, if I zoom into an area, I get the rendering I expect – without the unexpected fill:Is this a bug – o
python enthought canopy sklearn
I have recently uninstalled a nicely working copy of Enthought Canopy 32-bit and installed Canopy Version: 1.1.0 (64 bit). When I try to use sklearn to fit a model my kernel crashes and I get the following error:The kernel (user Python environment) has terminated with error code 3. This may be due to a bug in your code or in the kernel itself.Output captured from the kernel process is shown below.OMP: Error #15: Initializing libiomp5md.dll, but found mk2iomp5md.dll already initialized. OMP: Hint
ipython enthought ipython-notebook canopy
When I try to start the ipython notebook from EPD’s Canopy while not connected to the Internet, the notebook crashes before starting up. This does not happen when connected to the net.Any help would be most welcome.The short crash dump follows next. The full dump from setting c.Application.verbose_crash=True in the config file can be found here https://gist.github.com/xaverm/6873969Short dump~>.Canopy/EPDenvironment/bin/ipython notebook [NotebookApp] Using existing profile dir: u’/home/xuserx
ipython enthought
I’m trying to launch Enthought Canopy’s ipython from a Terminal in Mac OS 10.8.3 using the following command:/Applications/Canopy.app/appdata/canopy- I’m receiving the following error:/Applications/Canopy.app/appdata/canopy- /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/7.1/Resources/Python.app/Content: bad interpreter: No such file or directoryThis (7.1) framework was previously i
Earl Bellinger
python multithreading multiprocessing enthought
def print_square(i):print str(i*i)from multiprocessing import Pool p = Pool(1) for i in range(10):p.apply_async(print_square, args=(i,)) p.close() p.join()spawns infinite processes and crashes my machine on Windows 8 with 64 bit canopy on python 2.7. Why?
python enthought canopy
So yesterday I updated to Enthought version 1.1 and now it refuses to open. I’ve rebooted my computer as well as did a re-install of enthought canopy. I keep getting the following error Traceback (most recent call last):File “build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/app/bootstrap.py”, line 1989, in mainFile “build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/app/bootstrap.py”, line 1021, in mainFile “build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/app/bootstrap.py”, line 1012, in _ kill_leftover_procsFile “bui
I am supporting a user who is trying to use Canopy. Every time she starts the program the kernel crashes. I installed the program myself and viewed another install which work fine. I believe her issue is that the .ipython and .matplotlib foders are not getting installed in her home directory.The same issue arises with the 32-bit client after all updates are applied.
enthought epd-python theano
Summary: I’m trying to install the theano python package, and the theano install can’t find “-lpython2.7” in my EPD Canopy installation.More details: Recently I installed the Enthought EPD Canopy python distribution (64-bit academic) in OS X 10.6.8. Next I installed pip via “easy_install pip”.Next I installed Theano via “sudo pip install theano”. The install looks OK, but then python -c “import theano” fails. The full output is at https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5548936, but it seems like t
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