Ember.js How to get controller in needs which is nested controllerName-Record and share programming errors
I want to use this.get('controllers.pack.query');
to get App.PackQueryController
in App.PackController
, but failed.
I think the problem is Ember use pack
not pack.query
as controllerName
when it tries to get the controller. Although I can get the controller by this.controllerFor('pack.query')
, but Ember says it is deprecated, please use needs
My router map likes below and I’ve defined needs: ['pack.query']
in App.PackController
App.Router.map(function () {
this.resource('pack', function () {
this.route('index', {path: '/:pack_id'})
App.PackController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['pack.query'],
queryPack: function () {
var packQueryCtrller = this.get('controllers.pack.query');
Ember.debug('packQueryCtrller: ' + packQueryCtrller);
//DEBUG: packQueryCtrller: undefined
packQueryCtrller.queryPack(); //faild packQuery is undefined
App.PackQueryController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
queryPack: function (queryKey) {
//...do query pack
You should use camel case, not dot notation for this.
Your pack controller should be
App.PackController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({ needs: ['packQuery'], queryPack: function () { var packQueryCtrller = this.get('controllers.packQuery'); Ember.debug('packQueryCtrller: ' + packQueryCtrller); //DEBUG: packQueryCtrller: undefined packQueryCtrller.queryPack(); //faild packQuery is undefined } });
Originally posted 2013-09-28 06:10:24.