problem about postmessage-Collection of common programming errors

  • Jason
    javascript jquery postmessage
    Odd issue. I am using jQuery .postMessage() to send messages from a secure <iframe> to the parent. Specifically I am sending a URL and have confirmed that the parent is receiving the URL – however, when I use try to set window.location to that URL, nothing happens.The sent url:*COLOR_FAMILY*Brown%5E1*CLSR_TYP*Lace-Up%5EThe actual url:*COLOR_FAMILY*Brown%5E1*CL

  • Soner Gönül
    c# postmessage
    I’m having a funny ol’ time with PostMessage, wondering if anybody could enlighten me.The method below processes the first left click but not the second, I did a bit of messing around and found that using a MessageBox and hitting OK even instantly provides the delay/release or whatever it is that’s needed to make the second left click process.public void MouseClick(IntPtr handle) {PostMessage(handle, (uint)WMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(521, 147));PostMessage(handle, (uint)WMessages.WM_

  • Roman
    c# copy postmessage
    I need to recieve data from some win application (not mine). Application window can be inactive at this time. Data I need is represented in table, so I am unable to use WM_GETTEXT, WM_COPY because they retrieve text only from texboxes, textareas, etc. I can manually make a selection at this table and all I need is just copy text from this selection by emulation of Ctrl+C to copy data to clipboard. I tried to send that key sequence this wayPostMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x11, 0x001D0001); PostMess

  • Geray Suinov
    javascript jquery internet-explorer-9 postmessage
    My sender function:var parseData = JSON.stringify(requestData);iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage({ request: parseData, request_id: dataOrign.length – 1 }, ‘*’);and function of receiving a request:$(window).on(“message”, function(e) {var requestData = JSON.parse(;}in IE 9 I have this error:0x800a03f6 – JavaScript runtime error: Invalid character in:var requestData = JSON.parse(;In other browsers everything works fine. tell me what the pr

  • Mariusz
    delphi service postmessage
    There is a problem I am unable to solve. I created two service applications in Delphi and tried to post messages within them. Of course, there are no windows in such applications and PostMessage needs a window handle parameter to send a message. Therefore, I created a window handle using the AllocateHWnd(MyMethod: TWndMethod) function and passed, as the ‘MyMethod’ parameter, a procedure I want to be called when a message is received. If it was a windowed application, PostMessage() called using t

  • dman
    javascript json web-worker postmessage
    I am using Javascript Web Workers. In the web worker, I have:function makeRequestChat(id) {var jsonObj;var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “/site/myapp/” + id, true);xml.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xml.readyState === 4 && xml.status === 200){var foo = chatQueues[id];foo.queue = id;var bar = JSON.stringify(foo);self.postMessage(bar);}}xml.send(null); }I am using copy for sending the json string. I get Uncaught Error: SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 get.js:28 xml.onread

  • SF.
    javascript memory-leaks postmessage
    I have a page that may work as a standalone webpage or within a special “watchdog frame” to which it would be sending messages periodically using‘message’, ‘*’);The problem is if the page is loaded as standalone webpage, there will be nothing to capture these messages. Users can be expected to hold that page open for hours or even days at a time.Do these uncaught messages just vanish without a trace, or do they get queued or something like that, leaking the memory?

  • arkanciscan
    javascript postmessage web-worker worker domexception
    When writing the onmessage callback for a Web Worker I get an “Uncaught Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12” in my console when I try to send another postMessage().var w = new Worker(url); w.onmessage = function(e) {if(’validate’){if(validateWork({postMessage(‘proceed’);}} }

  • Loko Web Design
    javascript jquery iframe data postmessage
    I’m using Josh Fraser’s Backwards compatible window.postMessage() ( and I’m having trouble.I have 2 iframes on a page and both iframes send different data to the same parent page. In other words, there are 2 XD.receivemessage functions getting 2 different messages from 2 different iframes. Here’s a shortened version of my code:<iframe id=”IFRAME1″ src=””></iframe> <ifram

  • juanpastas
    google-chrome postmessage
    With tampermonkey I am running this Javascript inside an iframe in my page:document.addEventListener(“message”, function(e){console.log(‘asd’); }, false);This way I could receive messages from parent window. I am using jQuery Mobile and have this HTML:<div data-role=”page” data-url=”/scraps/new?for=” tabindex=”0″ class=”ui-page ui-body-c ui-page-active” style=”min-height: 258px;”><p class=”notice”></p><p class=”alert”&g

  • Karthik
    javascript firefox iframe postmessage
    I have an iframe and want to send data from the iframe to the parent window.Inside the js code of the iframe, I have the following statementwindow.parent.postMessage(‘hello’, ‘*’);The corresponding message handler in the parent window is as follows$(window).bind(‘message’, function (event) {console.log(;console.log(event.origin);console.log(event.source);console.log(‘received’); });I am loading the code from localhost and the iframe source is also loaded from localhost. I am running t

  • kidata
    jquery iframe jquery-plugins postmessage
    i’m using Iframe Height Jquery Plugin (Version 1.2.1) to re-size an iframe with dynamic contents.The iframe re-sizes correctly when it’s loaded. Now i got some ui-tabs in the content, with different heights and i want to resize the iframe when a tab is selected.Calling again jQuery.iframeHeightExternal(); in the iframe content returns only undefined and nothing happens.Calling again jQuery(‘#iframe-box’).iframeHeight(); in the top-frame resizes correctly. But i need it resizing when the iframe-c

  • Mickey Bradshaw
    c# javascript pdf postmessage axacropdf
    I have a pdf opened in an AxAcroPDF control and am trying to capture a posted message from JS in the pdf. Here is my javascript code….try {app.alert(this.hostContainer);var x = new Array();x[0] = “Hello”;this.hostContainer.postMessage(x); } catch (err) {app.alert(err.message) }The first message that pops up says “undefined”. The second message (through error catching) says “this.hostContainer has no properties”What am I missing? Do I have to somehow assign the AxAcroPDF control to be the ho

  • Patrick Thill
    iframe internet-explorer-8 postmessage
    I have a web application with an iframe that needs to communicate with its hosting page. The iframe and the host are on different domains and protocols (the iframe is https, the main page http). I use postMessage to get a small bit of state (user tracking) from the outer page into the iframe.When the iframe is loaded, it sends a short message out to the top page to ask for the visitorid:if ($ != $.w) $.f.postMessage($, ‘Get visitorId’);($.f.postMessage(w, m) is just a wrapper aroun

  • woahman
    jquery postmessage
    I’m trying to learn jQuery, I want to make a simple postMessage client. Is it possible to wrap it in jquery? The first alert works, but the second does not.I’m trying to modify this code:$(document).ready(function() {$(‘#submit_button’).click(function() {var data = $(‘#message’).val();window.postMessage(‘1st’ + data);alert(data);});var onmessage = function(e) {var data =;var origin = e.origin;document.getElementBy

  • Newtang
    javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension postmessage
    So, I have a page on DomainA, and, using a Chrome extension, I’m injecting some javascript that inserts iframe that points to DomainB.$(“body”).append(“<iframe id=’someFrame’ src=’’ width=’300′ height=’800′></iframe>”);I also inject a some javascript into DomainA that attempts to get the iframe’s contentWindow. I want to use the HTML5 postMessage api on it.$(“body”).append(“<a class=’myLink’>Post Message</a>”); $(“.myLink”).click(function(){var fra

  • Draco
    javascript html5 cross-browser postmessage
    I wrote a content script that injects an iframe to any website (therefore different domain). I need the parent website to send some information to the child iframe, however I couldn’t find a way to do it. The codevar targetFrame = $(‘#myIframe’)[0]; targetFrame.contentWindow.postMessage(‘the message’, ‘*’);Doesn’t work somehow and i get a Cannot call method ‘postMessage’ of undefined error. But then when I tried the same code directly in Chrome’s console, it worked.I had no trouble sending a pos

  • stefan
    jquery html5 postmessage
    When I use jquery event listener to handle message event, like below:$(window).on(‘message’, function(e) {var data =; // data = undefined });data is undefined! I’m sure that I have passed data to current window. Because if I use “addEventListener”, everything goes well!So, what’s the problem?thanks!

  • Eric
    javascript postmessage
    I’ve got a webpage that won’t work properly if postMessage is not available. I’d like to use a simple:if (window.postMessage === undefined) {//alert the user }Are there any unforeseeable issues with this approach?

  • ambrex
    javascript html5 iframe postmessage
    I am trying to do cross-domain communication using postMessage between a page (on and an iframe on the same page that is on example2.comWhen the iframe is done loading, it sends a postMessage to the parent page using the following command:parent.postMessage(‘hello parent’, ‘’); //this command worksIn the event handler for postMessage in the parent page (on, I send a response back to the child page ( using the following function://this f

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