problem about titletoc-Record and share programming errors

  • sdaau
    table-of-contents vertical-alignment titletoc
    EDIT: TLDR summary (as I wrote in comments): What I want from this question (and couple of others referenced herein) is: — section number (label) to be top-aligned with the title + AND I want the title bottom-aligned with the page number – on the same line — when a TOC entry is typeset (I’ve used frames just for visual debugging). I asked Changing vertical alignment of items in middle of line (for ToC entry), and got a suggestion there that I should try titletoc. And indeed, indeed, in the documentation, pg. 14, there is an example that looks like exactly what I want (the emphasized part): … however, I simply cannot get a working example for this. First problem is I don’t really understand where are those particular and (and in the PDF, I cannot search for the brackets included), or how I can change them. Closest I can see in the manual for now is these definitions: \titlecontents{ }[ ]{ }{ }{ }{ }[ ]\contentsmargin[ ]{ }… so apparently, I set in \titlecontents – and I set in \contentsmargin; correct ?!In particular, the manual continues: All you need is to put these elements in the right way. If you have reserved the space with\hspace*{-2pc}, simply put a box 2 pc width containing the section label or page so that this spacewill be retrieved; …… but I don’t understand two things: Where is this reservation of spac

  • Nyiti
    table-of-contents memoir appendices titletoc
    I’m trying to customize the TOC layout with titletoc in a memoir document.The chapter styling works well as below, but if I try the appendix section, I’ll get an error for missing number.I think I see that this is because \chapternumberline is renewed to \numberline, and that doesn’t take in the A as the appendix number.But if \chapternumberline isn’t renewed this way, it errors out with Undefined control sequence for \@chapapp@head in the memoir definition:\newcommand{\chapternumberline}[1]{%\chapternumberlinehook{#1}%\hb@xt@\@tempdima{\@chapapp@head\@cftbsnum #1\@cftasnum\hfil}%\@cft

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:16:20.