android,admobRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • zvdh
    android android-ndk ffmpeg cygwin
    I want to compile ffmpeg on windows with cygwin and android ndk. I found this link very useful because there is step to step guide to compile ffmpeg.Does anyone find this useful? – Compiling FFMPEG on Windows with Cywin and NDK r5But at last point when i am going to create .so file i got this error in cygwin bash.CONSOLE OUTPUT:vikram mahal@vikrammahal-PC ~ $ cd /cygdrive/c/ffmpeg-0.10.3 vikram mahal@vikrammahal-PC /cygdrive/c/ffmpeg-0.10.3 $ dos2unix dos2unix: converting file b

  • Thomas Keller
    android android-fragments
    Is there actually ever a use case for FragmentTransaction.commit() where one should not use FragmentTransaction.commitAllowStateLoss() instead? The first version almost ever crashes the app in case unexpected things like incoming calls happen, so I’d rather live with some state loss than with a crashed app, wouldn’t I?

  • Padma Kumar
    android android-intent bundle
    I just wonder what method can be use to send String from one to another activity besides by using intent.putExtra(), and getIntent.getExtra(). Cause my project getting unexpected result when using putExtra(), just want to another for send String.Any suggestion and examples? Thanks.

  • Michael A.
    android lifecycle
    I am very familiar with the Android activity lifecycle, but I feel like I am missing something that should be pretty obvious here.I have a multi-activity Android app; it uses static variables (in the application class) to keep a handle on the various objects that are used across the different views. The problem occurs when the app is paused (exited) and Android (presumably) cleans up memory to maintain foreground processes. When the user resumes the app, it occasionally (not always) seems to com

  • Ravi
    android android-view android-handler
    I am trying to change the background of the activity at fixed interval of time. This is the code of my activitypublic class ExploreActivity extends Activity {private int randNum = 0 ; private int [] colorID = {R.color.AliceBlue,R.color.Beige,R.color.YellowGreen}; private Random rand = new Random();@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_explore);final Handler handler = new Handler(getMainLooper(), new Callb

  • Nick
    I’m curious if anyone has run into the same problem as me. I have an image that I can manipulate with pinch zooming. I’d like to be able to scroll horizontally and vertically when the image is too large for the screen. I’ve accomplished this with a ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView combo. But this implementation leads to clunky behavior. Has anyone solved a similar problem?

  • Ty221
    android android-studio jetbrains
    I want to import Android project in Android Studio and this is where the problem begins: 1) If I set Gradle home and click OK, I get the info: 2) And secondly, if I try to run project I get the message:Trying both ways result in displaying messages above. I have GRADLE_HOME, JAVA_HOME set correctly and ANDROID_HOME points to “sdk” directory in android-studio directory. Much appreciation for answer with the solution.

  • Rick Smith
    android windows android-ndk ffmpeg cygwin
    I want to compile ffmpeg for using in android. When i use “make” command,one error show as below:arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: error: libavdevice/ syntax error, unexpected ‘!’, expecting $endHow can i fix it.

  • ionutz staniu
    android onclick save volume
    i have an issue regardin my test App, in wich i try to create a View like in a Samsung Galaxy -> Settings -> Sound-> Volume, but instead of all Volume Controler, and the two buttons OK Cancel, i want just Ringer Volume and a Save button.I am new in android and really don’t know why my code below behave bad. public class SaveActivity extends Activity {private AudioManager aManager;private SeekBar seekVolume;private Button save;public int main_progress;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedIns

  • Qantas 94 Heavy
    android jsoup
    I’m trying to get html of a webpage and find all links present in this page using jsoup in android. I have added jsoup as external lib. Even tried adding it in libs folder. But I get “unfortunately app stopped”error. Can anyone help me please..This is my MainActivity java code.package com.example.asyncjsoup;import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.widget.TextView;public class MainActivity extends Activity { private TextView textv;@Override p

  • MikeS
    ios admob iad ads
    I’m using AdMob’s mediation abilities to deliver both iAds and AdMob ads to my iPhone app. However, I’m noticing something REALLY annoying from some of the AdMob ads… Some AdMob ads are opening webpages directly inside my application, in between my Nav bar and Tab bar, and aren’t displaying correctly. Instead of being fully modal like iAds, they are invading my application’s space (and doing it wrong). Are there ways to single out these AdMob ads and disable just the ones that attempt to op

  • poundifdef
    android ant jar admob build.xml
    I maintain an Android app and am not using Eclipse. I am not using Eclipse. I am using ant and build.xml and I have places my .jar file into the libs/ directory. My code compiles just dandy. But when I run it on the emulator, the output APK does not include the .jar, so I get a runtime stacktrace:ERROR/AndroidRuntime(470): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: looks like this:jar.libs.dir=libsAnd the libs/ directory contains my .jar file.What

  • yann.debonnel
    android maven admob
    I have an Android Project where I need to build multiple versions of the same application from the same sources.To do this, I use the android plugin for MavenEach version must be able to include ads from admob. So in my POM I added this dependancy <dependency><groupId></groupId><artifactId>ads</artifactId><version>20101109-ANDROID-3312276cc1406347</version><scope>system</scope><systemPath>THE_PATH\libs\admob-sdk-android

  • djItu
    iphone ios admob
    Ive been trying to display an interstitial ad several times during my app runtime. Ive read admob documentation about it and it seems that is a one-time-use object, I’d like to know if there’s any workaround for this. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

  • Guy Cothal
    java android admob manifest
    I have read through about 2 dozen articles and through the Google documents and my code as it is just gives me a force close box. Here is my codeManifest<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <manifest xmlns:android=””package=”com.ndai.funnys”android:versionCode=”1″ android:versionName=”1.0″ ><uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”8″ android:targetSdkVersion=”15″ /><uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET”/><uses-p

  • KeirDavis
    java android view admob
    So here is my code, super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);RollingThunderView a = new RollingThunderView(this);setContentView(a);adView = new AdView(this, AdSize.BANNER, “ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX”);AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();adRequest.addTestDevice(AdRequest.TEST_EMULATOR);adRequest.addTestDevice(“TEST_DEVICE_ID”);adView.loadAd(new AdRequest());android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp;lp = a.getLayoutParams();lp.width = a.getWidth();lp.height = a.getHeight();this.addContentVie

  • GrIsHu
    android layout admob relative adview
    First off- I have an admob adView set up but I need to create it dynamically due to a bug in the latest release of course.I want the ad on the bottom of the screen, and I have a linearLayout which is set to the bottom BUT there are is a restrictions which have to be otherwise the ad wont load: 1) I need to LinearLayout to be a certain height (NOT wrap content)This all works fine with a test ad, but the problem is…I was going to put this layout in a RelativeLayout so that I can align it to the

  • user1248404
    java android xml admob
    I just added adds to my app, but the moment i run it i get a force close from my phone and there is no logcat. I never declared it in my xml but i dont think i need to…Here’s package isaac.n;import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.View

  • user2790945
    layout admob
    Hello I have a problem wich I would like to find the perfect solution for it.I am a publisher in many monetizing platforms like : admob,adfonic..for example in my main layout.I declared admob but if I wanna show adfonic I must do a whole update of my app vercion for my users would see adfonic instead.So is there anyway of control those lines or controling that xml that shows either admob of adfonic ?Thank you very much

  • rommex
    android admob adview
    I’m trying to include ad mob ads to my activity. I did search about this on this site so I did:input code from imported the newest .jar into /lib included the same .jar in Java Build path as an External JarI cleaned the project, I Ctrl+Shift+O’ed it.Compiling was ok, but runtime I get this error, “Couldn’t find class …..adView”.Sorry if I don’t see an obvious answer. Please help! Thnx

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