problem about photoswipe-Collection of common programming errors
Dizzy Bryan High
jquery json photoswipe
Hi there am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.I have a listing on my page with buttons that have some json data attached to them using a data-images tag:data-images=”[{“id”:”1067″,”ithumb”:”\/uploads\/images\/ithumbs\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”thumb”:”\/uploads\/images\/thumbs\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”mini”:”\/uploads\/images\/minidisplay\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”full”:”\/uploads\/images\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”iPortrait”:”\/uploads\/images\/iPortr
jquery-plugins jquery-mobile phonegap-plugins photoswipe
I’m trying to do some image manipulation stuff depending on arbitrary data i’ve assocaied with my”);$.each(, function(key, photo) {var item = “<li><a href=’”+photo.full+”‘><img src=’””‘/></a></li>”;gallery.append(item);});gallery.trigger(‘create’);var options = {enableMouseWheel: false , enableKeyboard: false ,captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay:0,
javascript jquery html cordova photoswipe
I need to add images that should be swiped right and left, instead getting this error in logcat 10-28 11:48:25.734: E/Web Console(5348): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘PhotoSwipe’ of undefined at file:///android_asset/www/04-jquery-mobile.html:59where the 59th line is this }(window, window.jQuery, window.Code.PhotoSwipe)); which comes under the below code. i have included swiper file and referenced correctly, still not able to get, please help me. (function(window, $, PhotoSwipe){$(do
jquery photoswipe
I want to use photoswipe for the mobile user. My HTML markup looks like this<a class=”photoswipe” href=”__18_.jpg”><img class=”nivo-main-image” src=”__18_.jpg” style=”display: inline; height: auto;” data-fancybox-href=”__18_.jpg”> </a>The link is dynamically wrapped around the image. Photoswipe works fine on the first image but if I update the href on a.photoswipe than photoswipe again shows the first image. So it seems that photoswipe takes the images on initalization and not
wordpress-plugin photoswipe
I have installed WP Photoswipe and just recently installed WP Google Maps.When I disable the Photoswipe plugin then the map shows, when enabled it back I get the following error on the Console:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setCenter’ of null (anonymous function) on line 600I also get this error from Photoswipe: Uncaught Code.PhotoSwipe.createInstance: No images to passed.This is the code from WP Google Maps:<script type=”text/javascript”>if (typeof google === ‘object’ &&
javascript jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
I have a problem with appending pictures in the list pictures that uses photoswipe. The jquery mobile page uses the class gallery-page that will open it in a nice viewer. I try to add more pictures with the append function to the pictures list. This works fine only the problem is when I click on the image it will NOT open it in the nice viewer. I think this is something to do with the class gallery-page. In some way the added pictures by jquery can’t find the class gallery-page. What can I do?
javascript jquery ios jquery-mobile photoswipe
I’m currently working on a mobile site for a client that utilizes jQuery Mobile ( along with Photoswipe ( for the photo gallery.The current issue I’m trying to resolve as of now is this:Go to the Photo Gallery page Click the “Back” button or the Logo to return to the Home page Try clicking on any of the first 3 nav buttons (these link to internal ‘pages’ (divs) within the mobile site), and nothing happens. You can see the URL get updated in the
jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
I’ve got a strange behavior when navigating between two photoswipe galleries and using the back button of jquery mobile:The photoswipe “overview” page with all the images as thumbnails is linked from two pages, the first page (PageA) is a list of photoswipe galleries sorted by context, the second page (PageB) is a list of the same content, but sorted alphabetically. When I only enter one photoswipe gallery page and press the back button, everything works fine. But when I navigate between the pag
jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
I’m creating a website using jquery mobile and almost everything works great. But i have slight problem and it has something to do with Photoswipe ( is what happens:I have several different casepages divided up in categories. When i enter a casesite i can click up the gallery, the images show up and works great. However if I go from this casepage, directly to another casepage and try to open that gallery. Nothing happens. But if i dont go directly to another casep
Toni Michel Caubet
javascript jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
I am using photoswipe to show my gallery when clicking on a item.My markup:<ul id=”gallery_mobile_about”><li><a href=”/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg” style=”background-image: url(‘/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg’);” data-iframe=”” data-pos=”0″ data-url=”/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg” class=”gallery-item ui-link”></a></li><li><a href=”/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg” style=”background-image: url(‘/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg’);” data-ifram
V Rodg
jquery-mobile hashtag photoswipe jqm
Testing on the desktop with JQM doesn’t produce this issue, so it’s difficult to pinpoint.Backstory: I have created server side code (php) to accept a query string and open a gallery straight to a picture. But if a user wants to share a link while surfing a gallery on a mobile device, and in particular a certain photo; most Mobile Browsers share the core link and not the actual photo. It’s easy in the events when swiping to create a URL hashtag modifier for the URL with the photo id ( For exampl
jquery-mobile photoswipe
I am using Photoswipe gallery with jQuery Mobile. The first selection, when clicked/tapped shows just the image with full URL and does not work the gallery way. When I go back and select again, it works fine.Can any one please tell me how can I sort this out?Cheers!
ajax django jquery-mobile photoswipe
I am trying to implement photoswipe inside my jquerymobile application. I am using jquerymobile & Django to develop my application and now I want to setup a gallery on one my pages. Basically I have 3 pages, page 1 is the the category index, then I got a subcategory index for each category and finally I goto a detail item page.On the itemPage I put the code to handle the photoswipe library however it doesn’t work as I expected because the content of the page is loaded via ajax ( I have to do
jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
Any ideas on why this isn’t detaching my “homeSlider” instance of photoswipe on page change? I think I’m following the Photoswipe docs, but it doesn’t seem to detach the instance. I’m using Jquery mobile hence the “pageshow”/”pagehide”. It’s throwing this error when I come back to the page and the slideshow freezes: “Code.PhotoSwipe.activateInstance: Unable to active instance as another instance is already active for this target”(function(window, Util, PhotoSwipe){$(document).ready(function(){$(
Alejandro Hinestrosa
javascript jquery-mobile expressionengine photoswipe
hi everyone im been following the examples of photoswipe for my own website, but i cant fix something with photoswipe, the gallery its working fine, but when i select one picture of the gallery nothing happens, the slideshow doesnt show, it just redirect to the picture; this is part of my code:<!– CSS Declaration –><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”{site_url}jquerymobile/css/” /><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”{site_url}jquerymobile
Speransky Danil
jquery ajax jquery-ajax jquery-mobile photoswipe
Images are drawn via $.ajaxPhotoswipe instance is then created inside $.ajaxTried detaching the Photoswipe instances when user click on browser’s back button but was not able to detach it.Does anyone know any possible solutions to overcome this?
Despicable ME
jquery jquery-mobile jsonp photoswipe
$(document).on(“pagecreate”, function() {$.jsonp({url: ‘URL_TO_GET_JSONP’,callbackParameter: ‘get_photo’,success: function(json, status) {var photo = [];var path = ‘URL_TO_GET_JSONP’;$.each(json, function(a,b){photo.push(”);photo.push(”);photo.push(”);});$(‘.gallery’).html(photo.join(”));var myPhotoSwipe = $(“.gallery a”).photoSwipe({ enableMouseWheel: false,})},error: function(){alert(“Unable to load photos.”);}});});I am having issues with the gallery and the browser back buttons. Users a
ios jquery-mobile mobile photoswipe
I am using Photoswipe gallery with jQuery Mobile. The first selection, when clicked shows just the image with full URL and does not work the gallery way. When I go back and select again, it works fine.The ps is working after a first failure/refresh of page.Please check the link’s my mobile website. we check the link Properties> any property from the list > View more photos … under this you can find the thumbnails. When we click the thumbnail first it
angularjs angularjs-directive photoswipe
I know this has been asked a thousand time, but I think I’ve tried every solution I’ve read and I can’t seem to get it to work.I have an API from which I’m getting my images, after pulling the images into the view I want them to use photoswipe for displaying on mobile.I have a directive:’use strict’;App.directive(‘photoswipe’, function () { return {replace: false,restrict: ‘A’,link: function photoSwipeLink(scope, element, attr) {scope.$watch(attr.photoswipe, function(value){angular.element(‘#gal
jquery-mobile photoswipe
I am having an issue understanding why my jquery mobile photoswipe gallery will only work after I have clicked the first photo in the gallery. I took off rel=”external” on the first image link which will display an undefined error. Now when you go back, the photoswipe gallery will work now. See the link below
Vishnu Ram
javascript jquery photoswipe
I am using Photo Swipe ( ) in my jQuery Mobile page. I want to show a thumbnail view of the images on load. On click of the thumbnail, takes the user to the swipe enabled gallery which occupies 30% of the screen height. I want to show some other content to the bottom of that. I am using PhotoSwipe version 3.0.5 and tried specifying the TARGET. But is not responding. Below are the js files, code used<head><script type=”text/javascript” src=”photoswipe/klass.min
Najeeb K
phonegap jquery-mobile photoswipe
i have a similar problem like this am using photoswipe + jquerymobile + phonegap, the issue is when the gallery loads and i click on any image which takes me to carousel mode now from here if i goto another page and click back button this occures at the end of the url in the browser address bar&ui-state=dialogbut it does not goes back to the carousel when i click again back button it takes me to the gallery p
Justin Ohms
javascript photoswipe
Is there a way to add images dynamically to a photoswipe gallery after it is created.The situation is this.I’m fetching image urls from the sever and showing them in a gallery. As the items are downloaded the anchor and img elements are added to the page. I would like to be able to at that same time append each to the photoswipe gallery.currently in the element callback (after the image has been loaded and elements appended) I have$elements.photoSwipe({ enableMouseWheel: false , enableKeyboard
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