problem about photoswipe-Collection of common programming errors

  • Dizzy Bryan High
    jquery json photoswipe
    Hi there am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.I have a listing on my page with buttons that have some json data attached to them using a data-images tag:data-images=”[{“id”:”1067″,”ithumb”:”\/uploads\/images\/ithumbs\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”thumb”:”\/uploads\/images\/thumbs\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”mini”:”\/uploads\/images\/minidisplay\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”full”:”\/uploads\/images\/Watermans Theatre 25 – 14.jpg”,”iPortrait”:”\/uploads\/images\/iPortr

  • Brian
    jquery-plugins jquery-mobile phonegap-plugins photoswipe
    I’m trying to do some image manipulation stuff depending on arbitrary data i’ve assocaied with my”);$.each(, function(key, photo) {var item = “<li><a href=’”+photo.full+”‘><img src=’””‘/></a></li>”;gallery.append(item);});gallery.trigger(‘create’);var options = {enableMouseWheel: false , enableKeyboard: false ,captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay:0,

  • SilentKiller
    javascript jquery html cordova photoswipe
    I need to add images that should be swiped right and left, instead getting this error in logcat 10-28 11:48:25.734: E/Web Console(5348): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘PhotoSwipe’ of undefined at file:///android_asset/www/04-jquery-mobile.html:59where the 59th line is this }(window, window.jQuery, window.Code.PhotoSwipe)); which comes under the below code. i have included swiper file and referenced correctly, still not able to get, please help me. (function(window, $, PhotoSwipe){$(do

  • testing
    jquery photoswipe
    I want to use photoswipe for the mobile user. My HTML markup looks like this<a class=”photoswipe” href=”__18_.jpg”><img class=”nivo-main-image” src=”__18_.jpg” style=”display: inline; height: auto;” data-fancybox-href=”__18_.jpg”> </a>The link is dynamically wrapped around the image. Photoswipe works fine on the first image but if I update the href on a.photoswipe than photoswipe again shows the first image. So it seems that photoswipe takes the images on initalization and not

  • Chaverri
    wordpress-plugin photoswipe
    I have installed WP Photoswipe and just recently installed WP Google Maps.When I disable the Photoswipe plugin then the map shows, when enabled it back I get the following error on the Console:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setCenter’ of null (anonymous function) on line 600I also get this error from Photoswipe: Uncaught Code.PhotoSwipe.createInstance: No images to passed.This is the code from WP Google Maps:<script type=”text/javascript”>if (typeof google === ‘object’ &&

  • michael643
    javascript jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I have a problem with appending pictures in the list pictures that uses photoswipe. The jquery mobile page uses the class gallery-page that will open it in a nice viewer. I try to add more pictures with the append function to the pictures list. This works fine only the problem is when I click on the image it will NOT open it in the nice viewer. I think this is something to do with the class gallery-page. In some way the added pictures by jquery can’t find the class gallery-page. What can I do?

  • carlos
    javascript jquery ios jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I’m currently working on a mobile site for a client that utilizes jQuery Mobile ( along with Photoswipe ( for the photo gallery.The current issue I’m trying to resolve as of now is this:Go to the Photo Gallery page Click the “Back” button or the Logo to return to the Home page Try clicking on any of the first 3 nav buttons (these link to internal ‘pages’ (divs) within the mobile site), and nothing happens. You can see the URL get updated in the

  • user1916076
    jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I’ve got a strange behavior when navigating between two photoswipe galleries and using the back button of jquery mobile:The photoswipe “overview” page with all the images as thumbnails is linked from two pages, the first page (PageA) is a list of photoswipe galleries sorted by context, the second page (PageB) is a list of the same content, but sorted alphabetically. When I only enter one photoswipe gallery page and press the back button, everything works fine. But when I navigate between the pag

  • Paparappa
    jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I’m creating a website using jquery mobile and almost everything works great. But i have slight problem and it has something to do with Photoswipe ( is what happens:I have several different casepages divided up in categories. When i enter a casesite i can click up the gallery, the images show up and works great. However if I go from this casepage, directly to another casepage and try to open that gallery. Nothing happens. But if i dont go directly to another casep

  • Toni Michel Caubet
    javascript jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I am using photoswipe to show my gallery when clicking on a item.My markup:<ul id=”gallery_mobile_about”><li><a href=”/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg” style=”background-image: url(‘/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg’);” data-iframe=”” data-pos=”0″ data-url=”/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg” class=”gallery-item ui-link”></a></li><li><a href=”/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg” style=”background-image: url(‘/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg’);” data-ifram

  • V Rodg
    jquery-mobile hashtag photoswipe jqm
    Testing on the desktop with JQM doesn’t produce this issue, so it’s difficult to pinpoint.Backstory: I have created server side code (php) to accept a query string and open a gallery straight to a picture. But if a user wants to share a link while surfing a gallery on a mobile device, and in particular a certain photo; most Mobile Browsers share the core link and not the actual photo. It’s easy in the events when swiping to create a URL hashtag modifier for the URL with the photo id ( For exampl

  • Seeker
    jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I am using Photoswipe gallery with jQuery Mobile. The first selection, when clicked/tapped shows just the image with full URL and does not work the gallery way. When I go back and select again, it works fine.Can any one please tell me how can I sort this out?Cheers!

  • Tonymx
    ajax django jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I am trying to implement photoswipe inside my jquerymobile application. I am using jquerymobile & Django to develop my application and now I want to setup a gallery on one my pages. Basically I have 3 pages, page 1 is the the category index, then I got a subcategory index for each category and finally I goto a detail item page.On the itemPage I put the code to handle the photoswipe library however it doesn’t work as I expected because the content of the page is loaded via ajax ( I have to do

  • nate8684
    jquery jquery-mobile photoswipe
    Any ideas on why this isn’t detaching my “homeSlider” instance of photoswipe on page change? I think I’m following the Photoswipe docs, but it doesn’t seem to detach the instance. I’m using Jquery mobile hence the “pageshow”/”pagehide”. It’s throwing this error when I come back to the page and the slideshow freezes: “Code.PhotoSwipe.activateInstance: Unable to active instance as another instance is already active for this target”(function(window, Util, PhotoSwipe){$(document).ready(function(){$(

  • Alejandro Hinestrosa
    javascript jquery-mobile expressionengine photoswipe
    hi everyone im been following the examples of photoswipe for my own website, but i cant fix something with photoswipe, the gallery its working fine, but when i select one picture of the gallery nothing happens, the slideshow doesnt show, it just redirect to the picture; this is part of my code:<!– CSS Declaration –><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”{site_url}jquerymobile/css/” /><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”{site_url}jquerymobile

  • Speransky Danil
    jquery ajax jquery-ajax jquery-mobile photoswipe
    Images are drawn via $.ajaxPhotoswipe instance is then created inside $.ajaxTried detaching the Photoswipe instances when user click on browser’s back button but was not able to detach it.Does anyone know any possible solutions to overcome this?

  • Despicable ME
    jquery jquery-mobile jsonp photoswipe
    $(document).on(“pagecreate”, function() {$.jsonp({url: ‘URL_TO_GET_JSONP’,callbackParameter: ‘get_photo’,success: function(json, status) {var photo = [];var path = ‘URL_TO_GET_JSONP’;$.each(json, function(a,b){photo.push(”);photo.push(”);photo.push(”);});$(‘.gallery’).html(photo.join(”));var myPhotoSwipe = $(“.gallery a”).photoSwipe({ enableMouseWheel: false,})},error: function(){alert(“Unable to load photos.”);}});});I am having issues with the gallery and the browser back buttons. Users a

  • Harikrishnan
    ios jquery-mobile mobile photoswipe
    I am using Photoswipe gallery with jQuery Mobile. The first selection, when clicked shows just the image with full URL and does not work the gallery way. When I go back and select again, it works fine.The ps is working after a first failure/refresh of page.Please check the link’s my mobile website. we check the link Properties> any property from the list > View more photos … under this you can find the thumbnails. When we click the thumbnail first it

  • Bunkered
    angularjs angularjs-directive photoswipe
    I know this has been asked a thousand time, but I think I’ve tried every solution I’ve read and I can’t seem to get it to work.I have an API from which I’m getting my images, after pulling the images into the view I want them to use photoswipe for displaying on mobile.I have a directive:’use strict’;App.directive(‘photoswipe’, function () { return {replace: false,restrict: ‘A’,link: function photoSwipeLink(scope, element, attr) {scope.$watch(attr.photoswipe, function(value){angular.element(‘#gal

  • Shae
    jquery-mobile photoswipe
    I am having an issue understanding why my jquery mobile photoswipe gallery will only work after I have clicked the first photo in the gallery. I took off rel=”external” on the first image link which will display an undefined error. Now when you go back, the photoswipe gallery will work now. See the link below

  • Vishnu Ram
    javascript jquery photoswipe
    I am using Photo Swipe ( ) in my jQuery Mobile page. I want to show a thumbnail view of the images on load. On click of the thumbnail, takes the user to the swipe enabled gallery which occupies 30% of the screen height. I want to show some other content to the bottom of that. I am using PhotoSwipe version 3.0.5 and tried specifying the TARGET. But is not responding. Below are the js files, code used<head><script type=”text/javascript” src=”photoswipe/klass.min

  • Najeeb K
    phonegap jquery-mobile photoswipe
    i have a similar problem like this am using photoswipe + jquerymobile + phonegap, the issue is when the gallery loads and i click on any image which takes me to carousel mode now from here if i goto another page and click back button this occures at the end of the url in the browser address bar&ui-state=dialogbut it does not goes back to the carousel when i click again back button it takes me to the gallery p

  • Justin Ohms
    javascript photoswipe
    Is there a way to add images dynamically to a photoswipe gallery after it is created.The situation is this.I’m fetching image urls from the sever and showing them in a gallery. As the items are downloaded the anchor and img elements are added to the page. I would like to be able to at that same time append each to the photoswipe gallery.currently in the element callback (after the image has been loaded and elements appended) I have$elements.photoSwipe({ enableMouseWheel: false , enableKeyboard

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