php,smarty,smarty3Related issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Alan Moore
    php json utf-8 character-encoding
    I use JSON to encode an array, and I get a string like this:{“name”:”\u00fe\u00fd\u00f0\u00f6\u00e7″}Now I need to convert this to ISO-8859-9. I tried the following but it fails:header(‘Content-type: application/json; charset=ISO-8859-9’); $json = json_encode($response); $json = utf8_decode($json); $json = mb_convert_encoding($json, “ISO-8859-9”, “auto”); echo $json;It doesnt seem to work. What am I missing?Thank you for your time.

  • Mr Coder
    php facebook-fql where
    I am trying to use two WHERE clauses in one fql query SELECT uid, pic, pic_square, name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND WHERE strstr(‘ab’,name)but getting errorParser error: unexpected ‘WHERE’ at position

  • Doon
    php datetime
    I’ve used DateTime::createFromFormat() to parse string into date before, but today I found a problem and I get null from this call.echo $date_string; $test = DateTime::createFromFormat(‘M d Y, H:i:s T’, trim($date_string)); echo $test->format(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’);Output:Oct 16 2013, 15:45:02 CEST( ! ) Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object in (…) on line 51Where line 51 is the last line where I call format().So, am I missing something? Thanks in advance!The output of Date

  • Mostafa Talebi
    javascript php jquery
    We write a custom function’s arguments in PHP like this:function something ($arg = “”) {// then do something }How this should be done in jquery?this seems not to work:function jq_something ($arg = “”) {}

  • GolezTrol
    define(“QUERY”,”INSERT INTO rft_media_invention . ” ” (dbInventionFileType, dbStaffId, dbInventionFileName, dbInventionFileContent)” . “VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)”);Its always giving me this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in p3t\phpappfolder\public_php\cw\UC213.php on line 20anyone knows if my query is fully correct?

  • Nanne
    php mysql if-statement while-loop
    I have the following php code:<?phpif (!isset($_REQUEST[‘search’])){while(($write=mysql_fetch_array($gamesearched)) != null){echo “Found!”;}else{echo “No results”;}} ?>And it’s giving me an error:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘else’ (T_ELSE) inC:\php\www\Gameplay\backgame.php on line 41

  • teresko
    php php-parse-error
    When I do:class MyClass {public $copy = file_get_contents(‘somefile.mdown’); }I get:PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘(‘, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ \ in /file.php on line 25I’m new to classes in PHP, but not to OOP.I can, of course, just do file_get_contents outside of the class and all is well. What’s up with this?

  • Hugo
    php parsing
    I get the following error;Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in D:\XAMPP\xampp\htdocs\site\register.php on line 95Line 95 is;if (strstr($email, “@”) && strstr($email, “.”) strlen($email) >=6))Please help, I don’t know what’s wrong :/ It all looks fine to me. Thanks In Advance!

  • user327046
    php zend-framework cron set-include-path
    I wrote a command line utility using Zend Framework to do some nightly reporting. It uses a ton of the same functionality the accompanying site. It works great when I run it by hand, but when I run it on cron I have include path issues. Seems like it should be easily fixed with set_include_path, but maybe I’m missing something?My directory structure looks like this:/var/www/clientname/applicationGlobals.phpcommandlinecommandline_bootstrap.php public_htmlpublic_bootstrap.php libraryZ

  • user356556
    php html parsing
    I was just helped with this question but I can’t get it to move to the next block of HTML.$html = file_get_html(‘’);$urls = $html->find(‘table[width=100%] table tr’);foreach($urls as $url){$song_name = $url->children(2)->plaintext;$url = $url->children(6)->children(0)->href; }It returns the list of the names of the first album (Deesco) but it does not continue to the next album (The Best Of Aasha)? It just gives me this er

  • Paul Rusu
    php smarty whmcs
    I have added the function.bnr_exchange.php to the includes/smarty/plugins directory. It contains smarty_function_bnr_exchange which returns a string.I also modified invoicepdf.tpl $pdf->Cell(0,6,{bnr_exchange} . ”,0,1,’L’,’1′);which gives error: unexpected { I tried with “{bnr_exchange}” but then it writes the text {bnr_exchange}If i simply write {bnr_exchange} in the template it says unexpected } in that line. So it doesn’t recognize the plugin “bnr_exchange”. My question is how do I tell w

  • Claude Grecea
    php pdo smarty
    I am having a problem with Smarty passing a PDO Object to Smarty it just doesn’t like =>. Is there a trick to get around this problem?Here is he error:{assign var=’brgdatas’ value=”{$brgObj->fetchOneBrg(array(‘id’=>{$ststres[ststval].to_id}’))}”}” – Unexpected “=>”, expected one of: “”,”” , “)Here is the code I am working with:{section name=ststval loop=$ststres}{if $ststres[ststval].type == 2}{assign var=’brgdatas’ value=”{$brgObj->fetchOneBrg(array(‘id’=>{$ststres[ststval].to

  • Jerielle
    javascript jquery smarty
    Hello guys I have a problem in getting textboxes inputs in my jquery using ID. Ok here’s my code.<script type=”text/javascript”>var globalBase_Url = “{$base_url}”; //OK NO ERROR var name = “”;var desc = “”;{literal}$(document).ready(function(){$(‘#add_cat’).on(‘click’,function(){$(‘#add_category’).show(‘slide’);});$(‘#submit’).on(‘click’,function(){jquery.ajax({ var name = $(‘#category_name’).val(); //this is the errorvar desc = $(‘#description’).val(); // this is the error});});});{/li

  • NemoPS
    jquery ajax smarty
    I need to output a couple of lines of escaped html using ajax, with the object being generated by smarty. However, I keep getting unexpected token even if I used both nl2br and |regex_replace:’/[\r\n]/’ : ‘<br/>’.Here is the troublesome code:”value”: “&lt;div class=&quot;ps-header-links&quot;&gt;<br/> <br/> &lt;ul&gt;<br/> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; ti

  • j0k
    javascript smarty prestashop
    I’m developing a Prestashop website, and I’m getting a “SyntaxError: unterminated string literal” javascript error. The problem is when I get an address, this works nice:,”address1″:”Pza libertad” ,”address2″:”4&ordm; 3&ordf;” ,”postcode”:”08905″The problem comes here:,”address1″:”Plaza libertad 3″,”address2″:” 4&ordm;3&ordf;”,”postcode”:”08905″This code is generated like this:{foreach from=$type.formated_fields_values key=pattern_name item=field_name name=inv_loop} {if !$smarty.

  • Bas
    php variables smarty
    I have the following code and the output.If i print_r, normal echo {} of foreach, i am getting the number 1?What do i do wrong?!Controller:if( $checkOrderNumber == ” || $checkOrderNumber == NULL ){$var = ‘<a class=”tool-link” href=”url.php?dispatch=orders.details&order_id=’. $_REQUEST[‘order_id’] .’&sendsurvey=yes”>Send FBC invitation</a>’; }else{$var = ‘<a href=”#”>FBC has been sent</a>’; }Registry::get(‘view’)->assign(‘var’, $var);Smarty TPL:{assign var=”var

  • dazfx
    php function smarty prestashop
    Is a function that is called in product-list.php.{mycat id_product_my=$product.id_product}In this form, write a line above, the variable($product.id_product) is not passed to function:{$product.id_product}returns right result as id.{mycat id_product_my=15}returns right result as categories of product with id(15).What’s wrong?——————————————–php funct:function smarty_compiler_mycat($params, &$smarty) {$id_product_my = $params[‘id_product_my’];$ret = “”;if ($row = D

  • Messer
    php smarty
    I have a project that uses Smarty template engine (2.6). Point is I can’t have it save files locally as it would mean saving to the repository. Same with cache.My question is – how should I implement compiling templates to, for example, memcache?I was playing with stream wrapper for it but maybe someone has a better solution?

  • rag
    php smarty
    WARNING [2] include(somepath/templates_c/%%B0^B01^B019F522%%login.htm.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory on Line No 1871 in somepath/Smarty.class.php Error!: An internal error occurred during runtime.Any body please tell me why this error is occuring..

  • Dainis Abols
    php exception-handling smarty smarty3
    I have block try – catch and i want assign error to the template to $error. I tried:catch (Exception $e) {$smarty->assign(“error”, ‘Error! Details: ‘.$e->getMessage()); }Also tried:catch (Exception $e) {$error = $e->getMessage()); } $smarty->assign(“error”, $error);But when there is no error, smarty requires this variable and all crashes. Is there any way to deal with it without using if? Or may be i am doing wrong from the begining?

  • Syntax Error
    upgrade smarty3 cmsmadesimple
    I’m new to CMSMS and taking an older installation through a painful upgrade path to get it to the current version. One of the major changes involves using Smarty 3 for it’s templating engine. This change has broken a couple of the existing templates.The related CMSMS module is called “Product and Inventory Manager” which looks like it’s part of “Calguys Module Extensions”Here’s the error message I’m getting:Syntax Error in template “module_db_tpl:ProductsWithLocation;summary_default” on line 26

  • Dainis Abols
    php exception-handling smarty smarty3
    I have block try – catch and i want assign error to the template to $error. I tried:catch (Exception $e) {$smarty->assign(“error”, ‘Error! Details: ‘.$e->getMessage()); }Also tried:catch (Exception $e) {$error = $e->getMessage()); } $smarty->assign(“error”, $error);But when there is no error, smarty requires this variable and all crashes. Is there any way to deal with it without using if? Or may be i am doing wrong from the begining?

  • Athanatos
    php smarty smarty3
    My ajax php located in maindirexample/actions is calling a tpl file one folder up in maindirexample/templatesfetch(‘../templates/popupMyItems.tpl’); However this throws an error <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyException’ with message ‘Unable to load template file ‘list-myItems.tpl’ in ‘../templates/popupMyItems.tpl’popupMyitems.tpl seems to be called ok, however list-myItems.tpl fails (this is included in popupMyitems.tpl) ..{foreachfrom=$uniquecategories i

  • Vipan Kumar
    php smarty3 server-configuration
    I have created project in smarty and now i am trying to host it on I have created application on and uploaded all code on to this application but problem is this now i am unable to configure cache and compiler directory in that’s why it output fetal error because cache and compiler directory is read only mode. I have try Boxfile to resolve this issue but failing to solve. I am not aware how i can make these directory writable. please help me. this is ur

  • fl3x7
    php codeigniter smarty codeigniter-2 smarty3
    Im currently using codeigniter 2 with ci-Smarty. Just been trying to add a smarty output filter but not having much luck. Its as if the function cannot be found or something?I am using a plugin as the output filter function and have the following code:LOCATION: /libraries/Smarty.php// Set email output filter $this->loadFilter(‘output’, ‘protect_email’);LOCATION: /third_party/Smarty/plugins/function.protect_email.phpfunction smarty_function_protect_email($tpl_output, Smarty_Internal_Template $

  • Hailwood
    php javascript escaping smarty3
    I am using the below code with smarty V3<script>$(function() {jwplayer(“video-player-{$v->id}”).setup( {file: “/webfiles/competitions/movies/{$v->file}”,skin: “/assets/jwplayer/skins/simplicity/”,width: 446,height: 353,stretching: “fill”,flashplayer: “/assets/jwplayer/player.swf”} );} ); </script>The manual states:Note{literal}{/literal} tags are normally not necessary, as Smartyignores delimiters that are surrounded by whitespace. Be sure yourjavascript and CSS c

  • JochenJung
    include smarty block smarty3
    I have some templates written with Smarty 3:A layout page An index page An include pagelayout.tpl:{block “css”}{/block} {block “js”}{/block} {block “content”}{/block}index.tpl:{extends “layout.tpl”} {block “content”} content text {include “include.tpl”} {/block}include.tpl{block “js” append} include some extra js files for this included content {/block} include textBut I got a compiler exception:Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyCompilerException’ with message ‘Syntax Error in template inc

  • lukaswilkeer
    What’s this? Does any error in the configuration file? Following is the full error.Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyException’ with message ‘Unableto load template file ‘index.tpl” in/var/www/stoke/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127Stack trace: #0/var/www/stoke/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(374):Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(‘index.tpl’, NULL, NULL, NULL,true) #1 /var/www/stoke/index.php(41):Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display(‘index.tpl’) #2 {

  • Rajat
    php smarty smarty3
    My file structure:–header.php –smarty–templates– x.tpl–cache–configs–templates_c –articles– testPage.phpCode in header.php$smarty = new Smarty();$smarty->setTemplateDir(‘smarty/templates’); $smarty->setCompileDir(‘smarty/templates_c’); $smarty->setCacheDir(‘smarty/cache’); $smarty->setConfigDir(‘smarty/configs’);Code in testPage.php<?phpinclude(‘../header.php’);$smarty->display(‘x.tpl’); ?>I am hitting this error:PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyException

  • user861587
    php smarty echo combine smarty3
    Why doesn’t this work in Smarty?{my_function($test.’a1′)}It’s showing following error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyCompilerException’ with message ‘Syntax Error in template “test.tpl” on line 1 “{my_function($test.’a1’)}” Unexpected “‘a1′”, expected one of: “{” , “$” , “identifier” , INTEGER’ in…

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