How do I subscribe to a model instance in Sails.JS?-Collection of common programming errors

I am attempting to use the subscribe function described here. However, when editing /assets/js/app.js, I am getting this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Room is not defined 

So, I am not entirely sure why, but it cannot find my model. Here is my code:

Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {

and here is is in the context of app.js

(function (io) {

  // as soon as this file is loaded, connect automatically, 
  var socket = io.connect();
  if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
    log('Connecting to Sails.js...');

  socket.on('connect', function socketConnected() {

    // Listen for Comet messages from Sails
    socket.on('message', function messageReceived(message) {

      // Replace the following with your own custom logic
      // to run when a new message arrives from the Sails.js
      // server.
      log('New comet message received :: ', message);


    // Here's where you'll want to add any custom logic for
    // when the browser establishes its socket connection to 
    // the Sails.js server.
        'Socket is now connected and globally accessible as `socket`.\n' + 
        'e.g. to send a GET request to Sails, try \n' + 
        '`socket.get("/", function (response) ' +
        '{ console.log(response); })`'

    // This is the part I added: 
    Room.subscribe(req, [{id: "5278861ab9a0d2cd0e000001"}], function (response) {


  // Expose connected `socket` instance globally so that it's easy
  // to experiment with from the browser console while prototyping.
  window.socket = socket;

  // Simple log function to keep the example simple
  function log () {
    if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
      console.log.apply(console, arguments);


Am I going about this the right way? should I be storing this directly in app.js?

  1. You are mixing server side code with browser code. Sails only provides some extensions to the socket object that let you call your controllers easily. Here are the docs: link.

    You need to handle your subscribtion inside your controllers and call them from the browser.