Why doesn't C++ give compiler error when you call delete on a non-pointer stack allocated variable? [closed]-Collection of common programming errors

If you are thinking of something like this:

int a;
int *pa = &a;
delete pa;

Then you won’t get a compiler error because the above code, while wrong, is not illegal by language definition. However, the compiler may issue a warning if the case is obvious enough (I didn’t try, but I guess it won’t). A static analyzer tool should detect this though.

If you have something like this, though, there is no way the compiler would know that something is wrong:

void foo(int* pa)
    delete pa;
int a;

To detect this, you’ll definitely need a good static analyzer such as Coverity. But generally you should avoid patterns like this. Deleting a pointer should always be the responsibility of the class (or other entity) that created it. Even better, you should use smart pointers instead of calling new/delete manually (you’ll need a C++11 compatible compiler or use Boost).