problem about background-audio-Collection of common programming errors

  • Tanvir Sourov
    c# xaml windows-phone-8 background-agents background-audio
    around a week ago, I submitted an online Background Radio Streaming app for the Windows Phone store. The app was quite good (as I used the Emulator to test it, it was good on all the possible sectors) but when I submitted it for certification, it failed.According the the error log, if someone is already playing a Music from Music + Video hub and then tries to open this app, both of the apps Crash and stop unexpectedly.So far I understood, it is because the Music of Music + Video hub is also Back

  • Wooble
    windows-phone-7 resources invalidoperationexception background-audio
    This is another background audio resources are no longer available error in Windows Phone 7, but a different scenario. I have 2 apps, which both use BackgroundAudioPlayer to play background music.When app A is playing background music, I press Home button to choose app B, play some music in app B, then return to app A. There whenever app A use BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance, it will throw InvalidOperationException with message “background audio resources are no longer available”. The only thing