angularjs ui tinymce integration issue-Collection of common programming errors

I am having problem in integrating AngularJS UI tinymce in the app however it is working fine in jsbin demo:

However in app I receive this error when I load the app:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'form' of null

which references tiny_mce_jquery_src.js:11955 with that line number being:

var n = t.getElement().form;

In the app, I checked all js/css files are loaded fine. This is what I have:

var app_htmleditor_module = angular.module('app_htmleditor', ['ui', 'components']).
    config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
            when('/', {
                templateUrl: getBaseURL() + 'public/tpl/app/htmleditor.htm',
                controller: HtmlEditorCtrl,
            otherwise( {redirectTo: '/'});

And textarea:

I tried wrapping textarea with form tag but still received the same error.

Thanks for your help

  1. @Dev555 There were issues with this directive but I know that we’ve updated recently. Please let us know if there are still problems. As an aside, angular-ui is in its early stages things change quite rapidly.

  2. I have copied your code and works fine, the only difference in mine is that I have only dependency with ui

    angular.module('amiguiAdmin', ['amiguiAdmin.directives', 'ui'])

    and also there is no form tag in the page.

    I hope this will help you.
