problem about uiwebview-Record and share programming errors

  • andreas
    iphone objective-c uiwebview keyboard crash
    I have an iPhone app with a webview that redirects to a forum at some point.I noticed that the app will crash when I do these steps:1) Browse through the forum (vBulletin) 2) Open a thread and try to post a message 3) Click into the textarea so the keyboard shows up 4) Then type and/or turn the device quicklyNow my iPhone app crashes. Notice: the crash only appears in very long threads, so it must be some problem of memory or CPU?Anyway, I can’t figure out where to search for the problem, because XCode 4 isn’t showing any logs for the crash! Secondly, when running the app via Xcode (on the device) it crashes without showing any error… The crash isn’t reproducible via Simulator (of course).How to solve such a problem?CONSOLE:May 10 00:23:36 unknown SpringBoard[29] : Received memory warning. Level=1 May 10 00:23:36 unknown MobilePhone[582] : Received memory warning. Level=1 May 10 00:23:37 unknown configd[25] : jetsam: kernel memory event (91), free: 1198, active: 7537, inactive: 3482, purgeable: 0, wired: 17615 May 10 00:23:37 unknown SpringBoard[29] : Received memory warning. Level=2 May 10 00:23:37 unknown MobilePhone[582] : Received memory warning. Level=2 May 10 00:23:38 unknown configd[25] : jetsam:

  • François Wahl

  • neerajPK
    iphone uiwebview
    is their any category for UIWebView possible errors? in my app i need to display the actual error occurred while loading url. i can print the error in didFailLoadWithError method , but in gives a long description about the e

  • Samyag Shah
    ios memory uiwebview
    I have developed a sample iPad application in which I open the one file of type ppt in UIWebView. When I run this application on iPad having O.S version 5.0(iPad2) & 4.3.1(iPad1) the application gets crash with following error(Memory Warning):Apr 11 11:01:23 unknown WebViewTest[345] : Received memory warning. Apr 11 11:01:24 unknown UserEventAgent[12] : jetsam: kernel termination snapshot being created Apr 11 11:01:24 unknown[1] : (UIKit

  • Bader
    php iphone uiwebview
    I am using a UIWebVie

  • Matthew

  • Ben_hawk

  • bdash
    ios uiwebview native
    I’m struggling with a problem: I’m trying to (re)create cross-platform functionality in iOS and Android. For iOS I’m using a ViewController that is Loading my index.html into the UIWebView.In this, I’m using the JQueryMobile “pageinit” event to load a function inside my “bridge.js”. This is then deciding which OS is running and is calling a function in “iOS_bridge.js”.Finally, this is doing document.location = “myapp:” + “myfunction:” + “param1” + “:” + “param2”; which get’s caught by the ViewController.Problem is, this isn’t working as I’m unable to extract the request URL then. But when I’m doing the location.change from within the index.html everything is working fine. The function within ios_bridge.js get’s called in both situations as well as the native part. It’s just that when coming from the external JS that the [request URL] is giving an error “unknown class”.Does anybody know how

  • Samuel

  • James
    ios uiwebview
    I’m attempting to capture the entire UIWebView (even off screen content) to a PNG. The following code works great on most devices however on some iPad 1st gens it crashed on this line:[self.webview.layer renderInContext:resizedContext]; /// crashHow can I prevent the crash by stopping the renderInContext process?See the code sample below for context of the issue://Create original tmp bounds CGRect tmpFrame = self.webview.frame; CGRect tmpBounds = self.webview.bounds; CGRect aFrame = self.webview.bounds; aFrame.size.width = self.webview.frame.size.width; aFrame.size.height

  • Dalee Davis
    iphone ios xcode uiwebview breakpoints
    I’m a amature programmer so please bare with me.While trying to run my tab-bar app with many different features such as UITableView and mapview with a annotation, I recently added a webview on my first tab in my firstviewcontroller. As far as I know, there’s nothing wrong with the coding there, though ever since I tried adding the webview on my first tab I keep getting the breakpoint/error while trying to run the app : Thread 1: signal SIGBRT.I’ve read around some, and someone said that if I change mi xib file /storyboard’s deployment to iOS 5.0 instead of 6.0 (wich I’m currently using) and not having “Us

  • futureelite7

  • ElizaS

  • Aesthete
    javascript ios uiwebview
    Below shown is js code which makes call to the native functions in iOS and Android, this function is called from another js method.Since the js calls to this function is asynchronous.we could not return a

  • geekay
    iphone pdf memory-management memory-leaks uiwebview
    I Am using UIWebView to load PDF files. I am coming to the webview from UITableViewController subclass. The PDFs are of good size.Problem whenever I monkey test the app. It crashes and says:Program received signal: “0”. Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a ‘continue’. (Unknown error loading shared library “/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib”)I understand that Data formater is an error from debuger. But the signal:”0″ this is related to memory (I have also seen this signal when terminating from spring

Originally posted 2013-08-24 14:13:55.