problem about marriage-amp-divorce-Collection of common programming errors

  • sefhoward
    and what usually causes it?

  • megatron1234
    We all love someone such has are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunties etc. But how does it feel like to be in love with your spouse.

  • Rama Chandra

  • dilylvscily1
    My husband and I have been together for 4 years. In the beginning he always gave me attention, and we never argued. Now a days we argue a lot! I always try and just agree with him. But he gets upset with me for everything!… All this arguing and ignoring has taken a toll on my confidence. I just need some advice. And please no moronic answers. Serious comments only thanks

  • Be Beautiful
    To feel “not very comfortable” with your significant other hanging out with someone they used to hit on and was interested in? Typical feeling or a sign of insecurity? Well it seems like jealousy….. But, doesnt jealousy and insecurity have like “undefined borders?”

  • Chakuli

  • Mine97
    Say your relationship is undefined, you just had sex and are cuddling, and having pillow talk – and then you ask her “Do you think you could be falling in love with me?”Why would you ask her that? You do everything that bf/gfs basically do – cook breakfast, dinners, movies, you lay your head on her lap, hand feed her, go on walks, celebrate birthdays and give each other Christmas gifts.Why would you ask her that question?

  • roj
    I feel a breakup coming on with my bf and I want to know how long should I let him stay? I dont hate him and I dont want to make it difficult as he is not financially sound and will not be able to afford to move immediately. But, I know myself and I dont think I can handle an undefined departure. We are just not good together anymore and neither of us is happy. I dont want to make it worse than it is by throwing him out without knowing he has a plan. Am I being stupid? Should I set rules

  • anonymous

  • a GUY bein a GUY
    what is a good story this friends wife which is deceptive but not an outright lie?Should it be left as a business meeting, with business left undefined?Or better to say the boat is getting launched because the skipper owes this friend, at least one alibi?I ask here because I am married and I think the married guys have better alibis.Divorced guys need not answer….you got caught.As always, asking for a friend.

  • Lynzeigh
    My husband is living in Indonesia, I have been to visit him a few times, we now have an 11 month old baby together, he does not want to come to UK and only told me this once I was already pregnant. So far I have raised our son alone but he wants me to live in Indonesia with him.When I discovered I was pregnant he panicked and said we must marry and that I should become a Muslim as his Mum who also married a non-muslim was disregarded by her family for it and she didnt want him to suffer the same

  • Bobbo
    My partner of 9 years cheated on me. It was a few times physically and an unknown amount of times virtually. Once caught we went through a hellish time. Mainly for me. But he genuinely loves me. I do believe it. He has moments of awesome then other times he makes me feel like I need to be wary. I am constantly reliving my fear, distrust, and sudden bouts of anxiety whenever he makes me wary. Its like Im reliving his mistakes. Almost like PTSD. I know peoples initial reaction is to end it.

  • dude d
    well the long title says it all. well see my adobe imageready is lawyas acting up when i start it up. i leave it on for about 1 min. and an unkonw error pops up.what could be wrong and how can i fix it. p.s. i dont care if im in relationships