problem about adobe-edge-Collection of common programming errors

  • Quentin
    javascript jquery adobe-edge
    I’ve been working with Adobe Edge for some time now and I also want to use the Preloader to load data for my composition via AJAX. To achieve this I created the following code inside the Preloader>loading-Event. Which event is a bit of a Problem because there is no documentation at all for that, so I have not the slightest idea when it is fired.// this little fella is fetching url- // parameters and puts them in a var called GET (function () {window.GET = {};var s =

  • HaveFun MediaSolutions
    javascript adobe-edge
    I am using the following code reference from Adobe Edge Commons example MixitBaby but I keep getting this error on Chrome & IE10, this works fine on Firefox though.”Uncaught ReferenceError: EC is not defined”function soundSetup() {var assetsPath = “sound/”;EC.Sound.setup([{src: assetsPath + “introsound.mp3|” + assetsPath + “introsound.ogg”, id: “intro”}],function(){“Sound setup finished”, “DEMO”); }); }yepnope({load: “js/EdgeCommons-0.7.1.min.js”,complete: function() {if(EC == undef

  • John Doeherty
    javascript jquery jquery-ui flexslider adobe-edge
    I’ve got a real hairpuller: I have a webpage that uses jquery, jquery-ui and flexslider. Everything works fine. Now I want to include an animation I have made with Adobe Edge Animator. The animation works fine by itself,but when I include it in the page for some reason it seems to break jquery-ui and flexslider – I getUncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘dialog’Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘flexslider’even though the scriüpts are loaded and everyt

  • Gil Birman
    javascript jquery zurb-foundation adobe-edge
    Using Zurb Foundation and jQuery with Edge Animate I get this error:Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘foundation’….only when calling the foundation function from within an event handler. From outside the event handler, it works fine.<div id=”myModal” class=”reveal-modal”><h2>Title</h2><p class=”lead”>Description</p><a class=”close-reveal-modal”>&#215;</a> </div> <a href=”#” id=”myButton” class=”button”>Click Me&l

  • user903497
    javascript jquery adobe-edge
    I am using Edge animate for a header on my webpage. I am trying to incorporate the slide effect from page to page utilizing the jQuery.ScrollTo plugin courtesy of Ariel Flesler. The problem is that when I include the <script type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″ src=”spolightest_edgePreload.js”></script>the slide effect stops working. I have narrowed it down to this file so I know that this is causing the problem. Any one ever deal with this problem? Does anyone know a better way to

  • am_
    jquery ajax yepnope adobe-edge
    So I´m trying to retrieving an Edge animation through jQuerys $.getScript() which is the same as calling $.ajax with dataType: script.Now if I include the script with a script tag it works fine, but when I try to load and execute the script through $.getScript() nothing happens. (I dont get any errors, and the script and sub-scripts are loaded fine – but nothing happens.)Have anyone tried doing this before? I suspect I have problems loading it through AJAX because Adobe uses yepnope in page_a_ed

Originally posted 2013-11-29 06:08:02.