problem about iis7.5-Collection of common programming errors

  • Doughnuts
    iis7 iis7.5
    I think this is an SF question rather than SO, so hopefully I’ll find an answer here…I have a .Net 4 web application deployed to both Windows 2008/IIS7 (dev server) and Windows 2008R2/IIS7.5 (prod server). This site runs without an issue. We’ve recently had to add IP restrictions to the site, which is set up as “deny all, allow these”. Accessing the site from an IP on the whitelist is fine, but from a denied IP it ends in an application exception. I’d expect the result from the denied IP t

  • Mathias R. Jessen
    iis7.5 application-pools 503-error
    I’ve got 2 web servers with mirrored content. There’s a load balancer sitting in front of them. Starting yesterday we’ve been getting people complaining about 503 errors. i can’t find any 503 errors in the IIS log file. However the server host is saying these errors are due to .Net errors in our website which are causing the app pool to recycle. They pointed out several errors in the windows application event log which look like this:Log Name: Application Source: ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0

  • John Saunders
    windows-server-2008-r2 iis7.5 c# wcf
    I’ve been ask by the programming department to test deploying one of their app. For all I know about the app, is that it’s a webservice wcf code c# for a wpf app. They did tell me that they did try to put the certificate directly in the webservice (to avoid the pain in the ass to register ssl certificate and save them in each client app).So far no problem with me. But there the little trick.I’ve been trying to deploy the thing in localhost (to be sure about the process to do it), and everything

  • Nexus
    iis7.5 scom
    When I select any performance view via my SCOM R2 web console, I get the following error:Unexpected errorThere was an error displaying the page you requested…. and some suggestions about restarting my browser, which doesn’t resolve the issue.The request produces the following event in the logs:Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Event time: 7/05/2010 11:41:38 AM Event time (UTC): 7/05/2010 1:41:38 AMEvent ID: f4c47d1302694e1c8039e6c0088c2520 Event sequence: 18

  • TylerShads
    iis7.5 application-pools .net-4.0
    I have a website (Alpha) running successfully on an IIS 7.5 webserver running on Windows Server 2008 R2.I basically want to clone Alpha and have a second website Beta, the same as Alpha, but will have somewhat different code. I’ve created the second website and also created a second Application pool. As far as I can tell, the two application pools are configured the same: auto start, v4.0, Integrated, Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity.The second website (Beta) doesn’t work if I connect it to

  • Jack
    iis7.5 application-pools
    I have a small ASP.NET test script that opens a connection to a SQL Server database on another machine in the domain. It isn’t working in all cases. Setup:IIS 7.5 under W2K8R2 trying to connect to a remote SQL Server 2008 R2 instance. All machines are in the same domain.Using the ApplicationPoolIdentity for the web site it fails to connect to the SQL Server with the following:Login failed for user ‘NTAUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON’.Description: An unhandled exceptionoccurred during the execution of

  • bkaid
    iis iis7 iis7.5
    I am looking for any kind of solution to properly get an IIS request such as and to not display a 400 Bad Request page, but display a custom error page similar to how and do (obviously those examples are not on IIS). I believe I have tried setting all the applicable http.sys registry settings (AllowRestrictedChars, PercentUAllowed) per but that has not helped. Setting Al

  • Zannjaminderson
    iis iis7.5 application-pools
    I’m running IIS7.5 on Server 2008 R2. I’ve got an app pool under which I have running a WCF web service, an .asmx web service and an ASP.NET site. Anytime I try to hit any of the ASP.NET pages, the app pool crashes. The entries in the application log in Event Viewer all look like this:Faulting application name: w3wp.exe, version: 7.5.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bd0eb Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bdfe0I’ve tried getting Windows Error Reportin

  • John Chertudi
    iis7.5 php5 wkhtmltopdf
    Have an annoying issue with our production web servers. Windows 2008 R2 x64, fully patched, using php 5. Also installed is ABC PDF, php will call the COM object to convert a web page to PDF and present to user.After 2-8 weeks or normal operation, php can no longer convert pages to PDF, and throws error like this Uncaught exception ‘com_exception’ with message ‘Source: ABCpdf Description:Unable to render HTML. Unable to create MSHTML document. COM error 80070008. Not enough storage is available t

  • MDMarra
    windows-server-2008-r2 ftp iis7.5 perl
    I’m attempting to get an FTP client written in perl to transfer files from an IIS 7.5 FTP server using passive mode.I’ve configured the FTP server as per instructions and have also configured Windows Firewall to allow this type of traffic. I have validated that the firewall is behaviong correctly by checking to ensure there are no blocked packets in the logs. I have verified the that FTP control channel is being opened on Port 21.I believe the client is being told by IIS which port to connect on

  • Hammad Akhwand
    iis7.5 samba cifs unc virtual-directory
    This is my current understanding of how this should be done: (TL;DR for the actual problem, please see the bold text.)Create a folder on you storage server, henceforth known as B. Create a local user account on B, henceforth known as BUser Share that folderIn folder properties>sharing>advanced sharing>permissions, add BUser and give full control In folder properties>security>Edit… , add BUser and give full controlCreate a local user account with same name/password on your web server, hencefort

  • Alsin
    iis7.5 http-basic-authentication
    When I log on using correct user name\password (I always copy-paste them) I get 401.1 error. User name and password are correct (user is created on server locally, not a domain one). I can run program as this user (runas /noprofile /user:tmp notepad.exe). Basic authorization’s default domain is a server name, realm is empty.I’ve saved FailedReqLogFile. AUTH_BASIC_LOGON_FAILED showsErrorCode=”Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. (0x8007052e)”and MODULE_SET_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS shows

  • ytoledano
    php iis7.5 fastcgi 500-error
    I’m trying to install MediaWiki on a Win2008r2 server, but can’t manage to install PHP. Here’s what I did:Grabbed a Zip archive of PHP and unzipped it into C:\PHP. Created two subdirs: c:\PHP\sessiondata and c:\PHP\uploadtemp. Granted modify rights to the IUSR account for the subdirs. Copied php.ini-production as php.ini Edited php.ini and made the following changes:fastcgi.impersonate = 1 cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 cgi.force_redirect = 0 open_basedir = “c:\inetpub\wwwroot;c:\PHP\uploadtemp;C:\PHP\ses

  • Ben Pilbrow
    php iis7.5
    I tried to install PHP 5.3.8 on Windows 7 with IIS 7.5. When I browse to a PHP file, regardless of its content (e.g. empty, a simple print, a call to phpinfo()) I always get this message:Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required ‘-‘ (include_path=’.;c:\php\ext’) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required ‘-‘ (include_path=’.;c:\php\ext’) in Unknown on line 0My PHP scripts don’t use any includes. I tried to setup PHP manually in IIS as FastCGI, then I also tried t

  • TCM
    iis7.5 wamp
    My service for World Wide Web Publishing Service started successfully but whenever I browse to http://localhost/ I always get 502 Unknown host. Also, wampapache is installed side by side but when I stop IIS service and start wampapache from services.msc I get error and when I view it in System event log I get this error:- <Event xmlns=””> – <System><Provider Name=”Service Control Manager” Guid=”{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d201

  • WaldenL
    iis windows-server-2008-r2 iis7.5
    This just doesn’t seem correct to me, so I’m looking for someone to tell me how I’ve misconfigured IIS… Configuration is IIS7.5 (2008R2), without SP1.I have IIS 7.5 configured w/several sites. ALL sites have hostnames defined in the bindings, there is NO site w/out a hostname. However, if I request an unknown hostname from the server IIS (technically Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0) return a 404 error, not a 400 error. I would expect a 400 (or some other major error) rather than a lowly 404.This causes

Originally posted 2013-11-27 05:09:32.