Typeahead.js – Cannot read property of 'isArray' of undefined-Collection of common programming errors

I am trying to implement the typeahead.js autocomplete/search in an ASP MVC view but, in Chrome’s Console, when the page loads I am receiving the error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isArray' of undefined ...  typeahead.js:26

This is the section of code in the typeahead.js file it is referring to

    isString: function(obj) {
        return typeof obj === "string";
    isNumber: function(obj) {
        return typeof obj === "number";
    isArray: $.isArray, *@  
  1. Invert the typehead and jquery script definitions as more than obviously the first depends on the second:


Originally posted 2013-11-15 09:09:29.