ZF2 – get was unable to fetch or create an instance for getAlbumTable-Collection of common programming errors
I used the getAlbumTable in the title since the problem I’m facing is based on the Zend Album Tutorial, might be easier for others having a similar problem to find. All I’ve done is rename Album to “Champrallies”.
My error:
Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for getChampralliesTable
What I’m trying to do is execute a function from a second Model I’ve created. I can execute from the ‘original’ model no problem AlbumTable or in my case ChampionshipTable. I’m trying to get data from a second table, but within the same module. The second table is called “champ_rallies” and the Model files are Champrallies.php and ChampralliesTable.php.
Changing this part in my controller
'champRallies' => $this->getChampralliesTable()->fetchAll(),
'champRallies' => $this->getChampionshipTable()->fetchAll(),
means the error message disappears. So my first thought is that there is something wrong with namespaces, or module.php. (Forgive me, I’m fairly new at all this)
Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:14:26.