problem about ms-access-2007-Collection of common programming errors

  • JustinDoesWork
    vba ms-access-2007 access-vba
    I have created this function GetSubName that I need to return the name that is saves from a pull down box. It does this just fine as the dialog boxes I have used shows that it sets the variable correctly. The problem is that when the SQL below runs in a query I get the error: “Undefined function ‘GetSubName’ in expression.” I am new to VBA so any help would be much appreciated.Here is the code:Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private stSubName As StringPrivate Sub Comm

  • user2806630
    function module ms-access-2007
    I have written an ms-access function in module called ‘StripLead’. I made a single line procedure called ‘CallFunction’. Now when I call this procedure from ms-access it works fine. But when I call this procedure from c# I get error:”Undefined function ‘Striplead’ in expression.”Ms-access Module code :Public Function StripLead(pstrPhrase As String) As Stri

  • matzone ms-access ms-access-2007
    hi i have following module in access database for concate multiple record into one recordOption Compare DatabaseFunction Concatenate(pstrSQL As String, _Optional pstrDelim As String = “, “) _As StringDim rs As New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open pstrSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, _ adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Dim strConcat As String ‘build ret

  • Alexandre P. Levasseur
    ms-access-2007 excel-2007 access-vba
    It seems I can’t get this piece of code to work. I get an error “variable undefined or with block..” or something like that. It’s error code 91. I can’t see what’s wrong as I have used this piece of code in the past and it worked. “data_dump” is a sheet that does exist. “tcd_” & .Name evaluates to a pivot table that exists. I have tried skipping that

  • msinfo
    sql ms-access-2007
    I want to search for a query string term like apple in column FRUIT of Access database. Select * from table_name where FRUIT = “apple” works fine, when we are looking for single term. But FRUI

  • Tyson of the Northwest
    ms-access-2007 substring
    I have inherited a really bad access database that I need to move the data out of it into a MySQL database. I have a field that has some string data in it followed by an oddly

  • Remou

  • Jeff Rosenberg
    ms-access odbc ms-access-2007
    I’m in the process of converting an Access .ADP project to a .ACCDB with linked tables. I know that a big issue when working with a SQL Server backend is the use of nullable bit

  • Remou

  • Jazzepi
    sql ms-access-2007
    When I try to run this query in Access through the ODBC interface into a MySQL database I get an “Expression too complex in query expression” error. The essential thing I’m trying to do is translate abbreviated names of languages into their full body English counterparts. I was curious if there was some way to “trick” access into thinking the expression is smaller with sub queries, or if someone else had a better idea of how to solve this problem. I thought about making a temporary table and doing a join on it, but that’s not supported in Access SQL.Just as an FYI, the query worked fine until I added the big long IFF chain. I tested the query on a smaller IFF chain for three languages, and that wasn’t an issue, so the

  • llykke
    continuous-integration ms-access-2007 starteam ms-access
    As part of our build process we have to create an Access ACCDB (2007) database. The database constitutes the current front-end of our application and must be (for other reasons) build during the initial phase of the build process.Currently, this is a manual process which I’m hoping to automate. Our database consists of MANY tables, formulas, queries, etc. I believe we’re actually close to the limit of what Access is actually able to handle so we try not to add anything further to it.I’ve had a look at this project: it seems to work pretty well. However, in our project we also

  • Oscar Cheung
    database vba ms-access-2007
    new to Access here and already spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem, so here the background:Note: already had a look at this: ComboBox wont allow me to select an item, but didn’t provide the answers I needed.I have a database that allows a person to input and store customer details via forms, and currently I have 3 tables with the following relationships:Customer – CustomerID (PK) – FirstName – LastNameProcess – ProcessID (PK) – Detail – PartsUse – Job- JobID (PK)- CustomerID (FK)-

  • MasterT
    ms-access-2007 vpn
    i have made a Access database in 2007 for a client for for first time use on a server. i have made data bases that use was stored on a computer then accessed through sharing it on a share folder. but this client has got a server now and with VPN access an

  • Paolo Bernasconi
    validation vba ms-access ms-access-2007 recordset
    In Access 2007, I have a form to add a new contact to a table:RecSet.AddNew RecSet![Code_Personal] = Me.txtCodePersonal.Value RecSet![FName] = Me.TxtFName.Value RecSet![LName] = Me.txtLName.Value RecSet![Tel Natel] = Me.txtNatTel.Value RecSet![Tel Home] = Me.txtHomeTel.Va

  • Andrew Shepherd
    ms-access ms-access-2007
    I have an Access file developed using Access 2003, and am trying to work with it using Access 2007.Some t

  • Ninad
    jdbc ms-access-2007
    I’ve been trying to connect to a MS Access 2007 database through JDBC. My JDK is JDK 1.6u18 64-bit and OS is Windows 7 64-bit. But problem is I am unable to create a DSN using Windows\system32\odbcad32.exe because it doesn’t show ODBC drivers for MS Access at all, it’s only showing drivers for MS SQL Server.When tried to click on Configure for “MS Access Database” (which is an already created DSN, I guess), it first shows error message : “The setup routines for the Microsoft Access Drivers (*.mdb, *.accdb) ODBC Driver could not be found. Please reins

Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:09:31.