List Contacts from a group from Zend GData-Collection of common programming errors
and thanks for reading.
My problem is that I’m trying to get a list of contacts belonging to a group in GData using Zend_Gdata_Query.
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('');
$feed = $gdata->getFeed($query);
give me an “Unknown authorization header”.
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('');
$query->setParam('group', '');
$feed = $gdata->getFeed($query);
is the same.
Obviously without that parameter I get all the contacts.
I already tried the first method with the parameter in the URL with a modified Extension to CakePHP core HttpSocket and it was working. So I suppose the problem is with Zend stripping out parameters from the url but I had no luck looking at the libraries.
Thanks for any help.
$query->setParam('group', '');
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx = group ID
I guess you are using 3-legged OAuth. Then you need to add next line before getFeed() called: $gdata->getHttpClient()->setRequestScheme(Zend_Oauth::REQUEST_SCHEME_QUERYSTRING); It will solve “Unknown authorization header” error.
For me using $query->setParam(‘group’, ‘…XXX/base/XXX’); returns another error: “Invalid value for group parameter: XXXXXXXXXX” and I still dunno how to fix it 🙁
Originally posted 2013-11-09 23:13:06.