angularjs,angularjs-directive,angularjs-scopeView the original page-Collection of common programming errors

UnKnown Error

  • Neil Hoff
    windows-8 microsoft-metro angularjs 2013-11-30 0:04:30
    The app runs but Angular data objects are not recognized.Here is the JavaScript error I am getting:Exception was thrown at line 1059, column 11 in ms-appx://28934b41-4dd2-4414-b9a9- a73c11c1b743/js/angular.js 0x800a139e – JavaScript runtime error: No module: ngLocale Exception was thrown at line 4473, column 9 in ms-appx://28934b41-4dd2-4414-b9a9- a73c11c1b743/js/angular.js 0x800a139e – JavaScript runtime error: HierarchyRequestError The program ‘[5112] WWAHost.exe’ has exited with code 1 (0x1).

  • user2931171
    angularjs angularjs-resource 2013-11-29 17:23:07
    I’m building my first Angular app, and I’ve run into a problem. I have an AngularJS resource whose .get I call with both a success and error callback, like so:var new_uptime = Uptime.get({}, function(){console.log(“new_uptime”, new_uptime, “$scope.uptime”, $scope.uptime);console.log(“new_uptime.uptime”, new_uptime.uptime);if ($scope.uptime && new_uptime.uptime < $scope.uptime.uptime) {console.log(“Reboot detected”);location.reload(true);}$scope.uptime = new_uptime;$timeout(reload_upti

  • user2050690
    angularjs testacular 2013-11-26 20:16:27
    My pc is Windows7 32bit. When I test Angularjs tutorial step2. Chrome not start with error.— versions — Angularjs:1.0.2 testacular:0.4.0— messages —-info: Testacular server started at http://localhost:9876/info (launcher): Starting browser chromeerror (launcher):events.js:71throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled ‘error’ event^Error: write EIOat errnoException (net.js:770:11)at Object.afterWrite (net.js:594:19)

  • Denis G
    ruby-on-rails angularjs 2013-11-26 15:32:00
    I’m trying to list the contents of a post using Angular with Rails, but totally stuck.My controller:var myApp = angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘ngResource’]);myApp.controller(‘categoryController’, [‘$scope’, ‘Post’,function($scope, Post) {$scope.heading = “Hello from angular”;$ = Post.query(); }])myApp.factory(‘Post’, [‘$resource’, function($resource) {return $resource(‘/posts/:id’, { id: “@id” } ); }])Rails posts controller:def show@post = Post.find(params[:id])respond_to do |format|format

  • Emmanuel Joubaud
    javascript angularjs error-handling promise 2013-11-23 14:36:51
    In my angularjs app, I defined a default handler for http errors this way:myapp.config([ ‘$httpProvider’, function($httpProvider) {$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(‘errorInterceptor’) }])where errorInterceptor is a service that displays some details about the error in an alert field on the top of the current page.Now, when I want to handle a specific error in a different way (say the query is triggered in a modal, and I want to display the alert only in this modal, and not at page level):

  • AardVark71
    javascript html5 angularjs tree ng-grid 2013-11-16 0:54:19
    I am trying to implement a ng-grid along with tree functionality in Angular js. But I am not clear how to add dependency in it. If I am using only tree , its working fine , but when I am adding grid to it , the tree does not appear on the page. Here is my code of the controller:var app;app = angular.module(‘AbnTest’, [‘angularBootstrapNavTree’]);/*app=angular.module(‘AbnTest’,[‘ngGrid’]);*/app.controller(‘AbnTestController’, function($scope) {var apple_selected;$scope.my_default_handler = funct

  • nWardy
    angularjs google-cloud-endpoints 2013-11-13 14:12:23
    Is there a way to initialize angular and endpoints without manual boot of angular?I thought I’d found an elegant solution here.Unfortunately for me window.init isn’t always declared before it’s called by the callback despite the sequence order of scripts. It works fine on refresh but not always on first page load. The console outputs “Uncaught TypeError: Object [object global] has no method ‘init’ “.Finally I’ve tried to manually bootstrap angular from the endpoints callback (eg here, but on try

  • Naatan
    javascript angularjs 2013-11-13 11:41:33
    I’ve written some simple code to allow for bootstrap modals to work with angular in that it loads a link into a modal when clicked. Now the links in question have their own angular controllers which are included in their source. When the modal is being loaded I first use jquery to load all it’s dependant scripts and then have Angular compile the modal so that it is “aware” of it. However it seems that despite the fact that I define the controller on-demand as the modal is loaded, Angular will no

  • user1713964
    angularjs ngresource 2013-11-13 9:22:07
    I’m working currently on RESTful AngularJS $resource feature. I really don’t get all of the feature, even with examples provided by Angular Documentation or Stackoverflow similar subjects.My usecase is simple : 1) I have a html list, fed with a json file.2) I change the order via jQuery ui sortable3) after changing, I would like the server to save the new position of each item of the list.First and second steps are done : I can read a $resource that looks like this : function DndCtrl($scope, $r

  • user1505431
    node.js angularjs ckeditor angularjs-directive 2013-11-13 8:38:35
    Using the solution from this problem: Bind Ckeditor value to model text in angularjs and railsI get the following error whenever I try to use the directive on my page.Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘unselectable’ of null ckeditor.js:290 a ckeditor.js:290 (anonymous function) ckeditor.js:286 i ckeditor.js:10 ckeditor.js:12 ckeditor.js:13 CKEDITOR.event.CKEDITOR.event.fireOnce ckeditor.js:12 CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.ed

  • user1505431
    node.js angularjs ckeditor angularjs-directive 2013-11-13 8:38:35
    Using the solution from this problem: Bind Ckeditor value to model text in angularjs and railsI get the following error whenever I try to use the directive on my page.Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘unselectable’ of null ckeditor.js:290 a ckeditor.js:290 (anonymous function) ckeditor.js:286 i ckeditor.js:10 ckeditor.js:12 ckeditor.js:13 CKEDITOR.event.CKEDITOR.event.fireOnce ckeditor.js:12 CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.ed

  • S.C.
    angularjs angularjs-directive spotify 2013-11-11 1:54:44
    I’m writing a very simple AngularJS directive to communicate with Spotify API (1.0). I’ve this custom directive that should create a Spotify List View (reference here:’s the Angular directive:angular.module(‘spotify.view.list’, []).directive(‘spList’, function($rootScope, $timeout) {var rootScope = $rootScopereturn {restrict: ‘EA’,replace: true,link: function($scope, el, attrs) {var fn = attrs[‘for’], list = null, playlistatt

  • Per Quested Aronsson
    javascript jquery angularjs jquery-plugins angularjs-directive 2013-11-9 23:45:57
    I am using AngularJS 1.2 and trying to include a jQuery plugin via an Angular Directive. As an example I have chosen a plugin called spectrum. I have not included (and do not wish to include) jQuery separately, as AngularJS is said to include jqLite, a smaller version of jQuery.myDirs.directive(‘spectrumDir’, function() {return {restrict: ‘A’,link: function(scope, element, attrs) {angular.element(element).spectrum(scope.$eval(attrs.spectrumDir));}}; });However, when i try to load the app, I get:

  • RickCigarette
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat 2013-11-6 3:31:16
    I would like to watch for the filtering event from within my directive when filtering on ngRepeat occurs. Is there an event that gets emitted when filtering occurs?What I am doing is implementing lazy loading of images for a list of thumbnails. It works but when I start filtering, the images that were out of viewport and come into view after filtering need to get their ng-src attribute replaced.Here is the directive:TemplateBrowser.directive(‘lazySrc’, function() {return function(scope, element,

  • blaster
    angularjs angularjs-directive 2013-11-5 22:42:43
    I’m trying to use Angular’s “decorator” capability to add functionality to some directives. Assume that my directive’s name is myDirective. My code looks like this:angular.module(‘app’).config([‘$provide’, function($provide) {return $provide.decorator(‘myDirective’, [‘$delegate’, ‘$log’, function($delegate, $log) {// TODO – It worked! Do something to modify the behavior$“In decorator”);}]);}]);I keep getting this message:Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: myDirectiveP

  • sza
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope jsfiddle plunker 2013-11-5 3:33:19
    I am trying to experiment with examples and tutorials at and the examples are not working in plunker and jsfiddle. I am getting this error in the consoleUncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=App& Is this a known error?

  • Christopher Armstrong
    angularjs angularjs-directive 2013-10-21 11:29:27
    I’m trying to write my own set of directives. I have written following two directives:eaValidateEmail (Validates the format of the email address) eaValidateUnique (Will validate the uniqueness by a call to a rest service once complete)What I want to achieve:First the eaValidateEmail directive is executed which returns false until the format of the email is correct Then and only then the eaValidateUnique directive should execute and check if the email address is taken already over a rest service.

  • Oleg Tikhonov
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-service ajax-upload 2013-10-21 5:45:26
    I have followed the following tutorial in order to integrate the notorious bluimp jQuery file uploader in my AngularJS project.After some research I found that in the options array, witihn the jquery.fileuploader.js file, there is an option called autoUpload, which when set to true upload the file automatically. I tried to disable it(false, undefined), but quickly I learned out that this causes the upload not to function at all, not even on the form submit.I need to trigger the upload manually,

  • rolandjitsu
    javascript angularjs angularjs-directive 2013-10-20 19:54:46
    I’ve been working with AngularJS for a few days now, and I’m declaring two directives which work if I don’t require anything. But I need the ngModel to use the $setViewValue method.My directives look like this :<corina><properties data-ng-repeat=”property in Properties”></properties> </corina>The directives are defined like :var Application = Application || {};;(function(window, document, undefined) {“use strict”;var CorinaJSDialog = {};Application.CorinaJSDialog = angula

  • agasthyan
    javascript angularjs angularjs-directive 2013-10-20 18:42:04
    When a user tries to click browser back button and dere is dirty data on the form, it shows a confirmation.Here is the angular js controller codefunction MyCtrl2($rootScope, $location, $scope) {$rootScope.$watch(function () {return $location.path();},function (newValue, oldValue) {if ($scope.myForm.$dirty) {var a = confirm(‘do you’);if (!a) {//how to prevent this redirect}}},true); }MyCtrl2.$inject = [‘$rootScope’, ‘$location’, ‘$scope’];But how to prevent the redirect on

  • AdrianMar
    javascript angularjs angularjs-scope 2013-11-6 20:12:43
    In the .run section of the main module of my application, I have an event handler for the $locationChangeStart event. I want to use this in order to confirm discarding unsaved changes. The problem is that I need a reference to the $scope in order to perform these checks. I tried adding that reference as I added the one for the $rootScope, but I get an error Uncaught Error: Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope.How should I proceed to this? I am open for[‘$rootScope’, ‘

  • sza
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope jsfiddle plunker 2013-11-5 3:33:19
    I am trying to experiment with examples and tutorials at and the examples are not working in plunker and jsfiddle. I am getting this error in the consoleUncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=App& Is this a known error?

  • user517406
    angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-service 2013-10-18 8:53:18
    I have a UserAddController and I want to be able to access a list of countries returned by a Web API. The Web API returns data fine. Here is my app.js where I get the data :app.factory(‘Country’, function ($resource) {return $resource(“/api/country/:Id”,{ Id: “@Id” },{ “update”: { method: “PUT” } }); });This is my Controller :var UserAddController = function ($scope, $location, service, User) {$scope.action = “Add”;$scope.countries = service.countries;};I am declaring and creating a service

  • ProLoser
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope 2013-9-30 3:20:24
    I am trying to prefix my users’ usernames to the routes they call within my application after they’ve logged in. How would I achieve this in angular? I already tried using the $locationProvider and prefixing it but it isn’t dynamic. I need to have it be dynamic accepting a value stored in the $rootScope but since the $rootScope is a service and not a provider it can’t be injected into the provider config function. How do I achieve this prefix?kmApp.config([‘$routeProvider’, ‘$locationProvider’,

  • Anoopsingh Bayes
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angular-ui 2013-9-30 1:45:01
    I need to create the following component<input type=”text” bp /><button><i class=”icon-search”></i></button>i have defined the form and form validation for it <span data-ng-show=”myForm.soldBP.$error.bp” class=”help-inline”>invalid BP</span>i have also created a directive “bp” for validating when user enters in the text box mobileApp.directive(“bp”, [‘orderData’, function (orderData) { return { require: ‘ngModel’,link: function (scope, element, attrs, c

  • Zuriel
    javascript angularjs angularjs-scope ng-animate tweenmax 2013-9-29 11:57:42
    angular.module(‘AppAnimations’, []) .animation(‘ecocool-in’, [‘$rootScope’, function() {return {setup: function(element) {TweenMax.set(element, {opacity:0, right:’100px’, width:’100%’, position:’aboslute’})TweenMax.set($(‘body’), {overflow: ‘hidden’})},start: function(element, done) {, .6, {delay:.6,opacity:1, right:0, ease:Power2.easeOut, onComplete:function() {done();TweenMax.set(element, {opacity:1, right:0, width:’100%’, position:’relative’})TweenMax.set($(‘body’), {overfl

  • pm.calabrese
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope 2013-9-29 11:34:18
    I’m using Angular and Bootstrap. I’m trying to replicate the functionality of ng-model for bootstrap checkbox. What i would like to accomplish is:i would like that when i click on the checkbox (label really) the model change, and actually that works… but what does not work that when i try to watch the object for changes the behavior is weired, because i need two click insted of one for disable or enable the checkbox. Moreover if inside the the label element that has as attribute cm-checkbox=”m

  • sh0ber
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope 2013-9-28 23:39:52
    In the code below, I am trying to use a template (with {{ value }} substitution) but I have been trying for two days to find a way of getting to the rendered code to set some properties on it.I cannot use the style selector (which works fine), I need to use the div’s id. In my real code I use a templateUrl: not the inline code, but it has the same result.Which event should I be listening for? At what point in time will the selectors work? I have read about compiling and linking and think the ans

  • janesconference
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope 2013-9-28 2:27:09
    I’m trying to conditionally build a template. I got a k2plugin directive with some divs and spans. According to the pluginui attribute, I want to insert another directive at the end of the template. My code, that follows, interpolates everything but pluginui For example, the last div results in:<div {{pluginui}} width=’300′ height=’420′></div>{{pluginui}} is literal, while it should interpolate to trigger the other directive. Funny thing is, if I put {{pluginui}} elsewhere in the sam

  • Thad Peiffer
    angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope 2013-9-27 15:58:05
    I know this question has been asked about 100 times (trust me, I’ve read them all), but I’m having trouble getting focus to go to an input box when the directive does NOT use isolate scope. The scope.$watch doesn’t fire when the backing data changes.Why not just use the one with isolate scope, you ask? Well, my understanding is that you should ONLY use isolate scope if your directive has a template.The only differences in the directives is:// works app.directive(‘doesFocus’, function ($timeout